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2019/05/24 19:06:54瀏覽64|回應0|推薦2 | |
i lose my anal(中譯:大腸尾端,肛門) i want to dial any number with deep heart when i suffer pains burst into tears
i lose my dreams between awake and asleep i am stuck from the sky to the earth Its like the wasteland The clouds get together become darker The rains walk slowly The heavy fog made me dizzy
Ripple Chao 2019/5/24 PS:今天清晨五點多吧(昨晚一點多才就寢)??? 就被窗外的馬達聲吵醒了 接著我的膀胱神經一陣緊繃 彷彿急著尿尿 我懶得起床 繼續躺在床上 就寫了此詩 現今調查單位幾乎已經失守我的肛門及大腸 最好趕快學會英文的"膀胱"如何拼 再過半年(至少等我今年十月去以色列的住棚節行 路禱告回來之後) 大概我還得寫一首哀悼膀胱的詩呢
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