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A rough night
2018/06/10 18:21:49瀏覽81|回應1|推薦1

                                       A     rough   night

The   darkness  doesn't    want  to   sleep

not   allow   the   sky  to  yawn

not   allow   the   moon   to   sing

not   allow   the   stars    to   blink

not   allow   the   grass   to   nod   off





All  beds  are  walking   are   muttering   are  eating   are  drinking  are  watching   the   cellphones  are  lonely     are      annoy



All   pajamas    are     missing



Take   a   medicine?

Sleeping   pills  are   also  not  willing  to   close  their eyes


Ripple   Chao   2018,6,6noon

( 創作詩詞 )
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What a rough night!
2018/06/27 21:49

I like your poem which is full of imagination.

A rough night seems like a naughty and energetic boy who is full of energy and doesn't want to sleep.

Maybe a rough night doesn't need to take the sleeping pills.

Maybe all that a rough night needs is read your poems and taste the beauty of your words.

PS. I will be in the mainland China during July 9 to July 26.

趙路得(lude001) 於 2018-08-10 17:09 回覆: