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2012/12/26 04:37:19瀏覽1264|回應0|推薦0 | |
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 「高王觀世音真經」原序昔五代時﹐有高歡國王﹐為相州郡主﹐好殺﹐適寶藏官孫敬德﹐誤犯重法(考證結果﹐是其弟犯法﹐ 孫敬德受牽連)﹐囚禁等死﹐專持觀世音菩薩普門品﹐日夜不歇﹐忽夢見一僧曰:「汝持此經﹐不能免死﹐ 吾勸汝持誦高王觀世音真經一千遍﹐當脫刑名。」敬德曰:「今在禁中﹐安得經典。」僧曰:「吾口授汝﹐ 睡覺敬書﹐便無忘失。」虔心誦念九百遍。文案已成﹐事須呈押﹐王遂令赴市斬之﹐敬德畏懼﹐ 問監使市之遠近。監使曰:「問之何故。」敬德曰:「時夢一僧﹐令誦觀世音經千遍﹐當得免死﹐ 尚欠一百遍﹐請求緩行﹐隨路急急滿數。」至市﹐監使乃宣勒斬之﹐身首不損﹐刀折三段。呈王﹐ 王駭異提問曰:「汝使何幻術﹐令得如此。」敬德曰:「實無幻術﹐因在獄中畏死﹐持誦觀世音菩薩普門品﹐忽夢見一僧教誦高王觀世音經一千遍﹐獲福如是。」王謂敬德曰:「汝勝於我﹐與佛何異。」 王喚典獄者﹐書是經﹐令諸罪人與死者﹐各持誦千遍﹐斬之取驗﹐悉應。王乃勒下﹐令民普誦﹐用證福果﹐ 世遂傳稱高王觀世音經云。蓋感應之理﹐誠至斯乎﹐僅述其緣起﹐並載其徵應﹐俾齋心向善者﹐有所勸云耳。 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 奉請八大菩薩 南摩觀世音菩薩摩訶薩。 開經偈 無上甚深微妙法。百千萬劫難遭遇。 我今見聞得受持。願解如來真實義。 觀世音菩薩。南無佛。南無法。南無僧。佛國有緣。佛法相因。常樂我淨。有緣佛法。南無摩訶般若波羅密。是大神咒。 南無摩訶般若波羅密。是大明咒。南無摩訶般若波羅密。是無上咒。南無摩訶般若波羅密。是無等等咒。南無淨光秘密佛。法藏佛。獅子吼神足幽王佛。佛告須彌燈 王佛。法護佛。金剛藏獅子遊戲佛。寶勝佛。神通佛。藥師琉璃光王佛。普光功德山王佛。善住功德寶王佛。過去七佛。未來賢劫千佛。千五百佛。萬五千佛。五百 花勝佛。百億金剛藏佛。定光佛。六方六佛名號。東方寶光月殿月妙尊音王佛。南方樹根花王佛。西方皂王神通燄花王佛。北方月殿清淨佛。上方無數精進寶首佛。 下方善寂月音王佛。無量諸佛。多寶佛。釋迦牟尼佛。彌勒佛。阿閦佛。彌陀佛。中央一切眾生。在佛世界中者。行住於地上。及在虛空中。 慈憂於一切眾生。各令安穩休息。晝夜修持。心常求誦此經。能滅生死苦。消除諸毒害。南無大明觀世音。觀明觀世音。高明觀世音。開明觀世音。藥王菩薩。藥上菩薩。文殊師利菩薩。普賢菩薩。虛空藏菩薩。地藏王菩薩。清涼寶山億萬菩薩。普光王如來化勝菩薩。念念誦此經。七佛世尊。即說咒曰︰ 「離婆離婆帝, 求訶求訶帝, 陀羅尼帝, 尼訶囉帝, 毘離尼帝, 摩訶伽帝, 真陵乾帝, 梭哈」(七遍) 十方觀世音﹐一切諸菩薩﹐誓願救眾生﹐稱名悉解脫﹐若有 願以此功德﹐普及於一切﹐誦滿一千遍﹐重罪皆消滅。
高王觀世音真經+ 七佛滅罪真言http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFQMc5SlKlA The High King Avalokitesvara Sutra 高王觀世音真經(English Captions)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z73NYjCiy3U&feature=plcp 高王觀世音真經(廣東話持誦) + 七佛滅罪真言http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqXSyi2EOeI Original Preface of The High King Avalokitesvara Sutra During the Five Dynasties period (907-960) [a period in the Chinese history], there was a king named High Pleasure. He was the leader of Hsiang and took pleasure in killing. At that time, an official in charge of the treasury, named Sun-jin-deh, involuntarily committed a serious crime. (Textual research showed that it was Sun's brother who committed the crime, and as the criminal's relative Sun was implicated.) Awaiting death while imprisoned, Sun recited the Universal Door Sutra of of Avalokitesvara (Kuan-Yin) Bodhisattva day and night without resting. Suddenly one day he dreamt of a monk, speaking to him, "You cannot escape the death sentence by reciting this sutra. I advise you to recite instead the High King Avalokitesvara Sutra one thousand times, and then your death sentence will be lifted." "How can I obtain this sutra while I am in the prison?" asked Sun. The monk said, "I will teach you orally and you can memorize it in your dream." After learning it, Sun sincerely recited the sutra nine hundred times. Then the time came for Sun to be taken to the market to be executed in public. In fear, Sun asked the prison official how far away was the market. The official asked Sun why he wanted to know. Sun then told about the monk appearing in his dream and how the High King Avalokitesvara Sutra was supposed to help him from dying, and begged the official to slow down so that he could finish the remaining one hundred recitations. Sun managed to complete the recitations by the time they arrived at the market. When the executioner sank his sword into Sun's neck, the sword broke into three pieces, leaving Sun unscathed. Being informed of this event, the king was in awe and asked what kind of magic Sun had employed. Sun told the king that he had not used any magic, but how he had been afraid of dying while in the prison and had recited the Universal Door Sutra of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Then he told how a monk had appeared suddenly to him in a dream and taught him to recite the High King Avalokitesvara Sutra a thousand times, thus obtaining the blessing. The king spoke to Sun, "You are stronger than I am; I regard you as I regard the Buddhas." The king then ordered the prison officer to write down the sutra and he ordered all the prisoners, including the ones waiting for executions, to recite this sutra one thousand times. He then tried the sword on them. Everyone survived. Thus the king decreed that every one in the state should recite this sutra to receive the fruits of blessing. That is how it came to be known as the High King Avalokitesvara Sutra. It is unprecedented for a sutra to have such spiritual power. Therefore, the author writes this preface to record how it originated and how powerful it is, so that sincere persons who revert to good deed have a way to follow. 給張秀霞女士及誹謗人士大德 ; 感恩聖尊蓮生活佛盧勝彥 真佛經 真實佛法息災賜福經 高王觀世音真經 七佛滅罪真言
( 心情隨筆|雜記 ) |