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What types of microphones are there? What is the principle?
2022/03/11 16:43:43瀏覽170|回應0|推薦0

There are two main types of microphones on the market. Dynamic and condenser microphones refer to the type of microphone head.condenser microphone kit  So whats the difference between the two in terms of how they work?

The so-called dynamic microphone uses the principle of electromagnetic induction. A coil of wire is mounted on the diaphragm, which is then placed between the magnetic fields of the magnets. As the sound pressure changes, it moves continuously in the magnetic field, generating an induced current that converts the sound signal into an electrical signal. Its conduction principle is very similar to that of a speaker.

Condenser microphones use the principle of capacitor charging and discharging. The vibration of sound drives the plates (ultra-thin metal films) of the capacitor. The vibration of this plate changes the distance between the two plates, which changes the capacitance. When the capacitor becomes larger, the power supply charges the capacitor; when the capacitor becomes smaller, the capacitor discharges, causing a current in the circuit to convert the sound signal into an electrical signal.


The difference between a dynamic microphone and a condenser microphone.  

What are the advantages of condenser microphones   

How to Care for a Condenser Microphone    

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