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Are e-cigarettes healthy? Is it harmful to my body?
2022/10/31 13:51:00瀏覽184|回應0|推薦0

Honestly speaking, smoking nothing is the healthiest. E-cigarettes have only emerged as a smoking cessation alternative. disposable vape pen.So far, there is no evidence that e-cigarettes are more harmful than traditional cigarettes. But any claims that e-cigarettes have various health benefits are actually irresponsible. From a health standpoint, we want you not to smoke and not to vape.

Are e-cigarettes bad for my body?

The propylene glycol contained in e-cigarette juice will release extremely low harmful components when atomized. We dont agree that there is no harm to the human body at all. We also do not agree with the statement that e-cigarettes are much less harmful than traditional cigarettes. As long as it is harmful, we are obliged to explain to players.

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