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I love how you love me
2010/07/05 02:09:19瀏覽384|回應0|推薦10
Paris Sisters 於1961年首唱此曲.1968年,Bobby Vinton又唱這首歌.今兩曲並列於此.你喜歡誰唱的呢?

I love how your eyes close whenever you kiss me
And when I'm away from you, I love how you miss me
I love the way you always treat me tenderly
But, darling, most of all I love how you love me.
(love how you love me)

I love how your heart beats whenever I hold you
I love how you think of me without being told to
I love the way your touch is always heavenly
But, darling, most of all I love how you love me
(love how you love me)

( I love how your eyes close whenever you kiss me
And when Im away from you I love how you miss me)
I love the way your touch is always heavenly
But, darling, most of all I love how you love me
(love how you love me)

I love how you hug me (love how you hug me)
I love how you squeeze me, tease me, please me
Love---how you love me
I love how you love me.
( 心情隨筆愛戀物語 )
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