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2010/12/09 22:32:04瀏覽341|回應0|推薦1 | |
Bright Winter Sun Offers Weak Source Of Vitamin DSwiss Natural 寫於 2010年12月9日 1:48 We found a great article full of tips on how to get your daily dose of Vitamin D naturally. If you, or someone you know, has ever wondered about how much Vitamin D is absorbed through sitting by a window, make sure to check out the column below for some helpful info. – Your Swiss Natural Team.
The information in this column is intended for informational purposes only, and does not constitute medical advice or recommendationsPlease consult with your physician before making any lifestyle or medication changes, or if you have any other concerns regarding yourhealth
A. Only about 5 per cent of the UVB rays you need for vitamin production penetratewindow glass. UVB light can be scattered by air pollution and even absorbed by ozone, soit's a rare commodity at the best of times, which would be peak summer, at high noon, inthe south. If you live north of about 30 degrees latitude – for instance, Austin, Tex., orJacksonville, Fla. – you'd need at least 38 hours of sun exposure during a summer week.You can always eat more fatty fish (6 ounces will get you the 1,000 IU we recommend asa daily dose). And fortified foods, such as milk and cereal, add some but it's generallydifficult to eat enough.You need vitamin D, but 50,000 IU is a hefty dose, usually given to people who aredeficient.If you haven't been tested for D levels, ask your doctor to check your blood levels. Youmay not need to take such a hefty dose as 50,000 IU, and it may have some toxicity atvery high doses.
SOURCE: The Toronto Star, January 7, 2010
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