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aa/1:Q & A & P.P. 12 Meridians
2012/05/18 02:57:16瀏覽768|回應0|推薦2

Q. Interrogation enquiry

12 Meridians & 365 press points.

P. P.=Press Point in the body.

( . ) black point in the body.

12 Meridians & 365 press points. Touch right 20 Meridians

Touch right 12 Meridians

(1)(LU) Lung Meridian 。

(2)(LI) Large Intestine Meridian 。

(3)(ST) Stomach Meridian 。

(4) (SP)Spleen Pancres Meridian 。

(5) (HT)Heart Meridian 。

(6) (SI)Small Intestine Meridian 。

(7) (BL)Bladder Meridian 。

(8) (KI)Kindey Meridian 。

(9) (HC) Heart Contrictor Meridian

(10)(TH) Triple Heart Meridian 。

(11)(GB) Gall Bladder Meridian 。

(12)(LV) Liver Meridian 。

Heal No medicine.No shots.No surgical operation

Touch the following number!
1. head & neck use Lieh4 Chueh1 (l_7)。Lung (LU):【列缺穴】(l_7)。頭頸尋列缺。

2. face & mouth use Hoh2 Ku3 (Li-4)。Large Intestine (LI):【合谷穴】(li_4)。面口合谷縮。

3. lumbar & back use Wei3 Chung2 (b-54)。Bladder (BL):【委中穴】(b_54)。腰背委中求。

4. tripe & Stomach use San1 Li3 (S-36)。Stomach (ST):【足三里】(s-36)。肚腹三里留。
5 . chest & rib use Chih1 Kou1 (t-6)。Triple Heart (TH):【 支溝穴 】(t-6)。支溝肋脅痛。

6. heart & stomach use Nei4 Kuan1 (p-6) 。Heart Contrictor (HC):【內關穴】(p-6)。內關心胸胃。

7. IUGS & Uterine use San1 Yin1 Chiao1 (sp-6)。Spleen Pancres (SP):【三陰交】(sp-6)。 婦科三陰交。

8. Which part ache of the body use that is press point :【阿是穴】OH yes this point。阿是不可缺。
volunteer clinic
01 姓名? A: R:
02 性別? A: R:
03 身高? A: R:
04 體重? A: R:
05 血壓?血型? A: R:
06 年齡? A: R:
07 祖藉? A: R:
08 學校? A: R:
09 頭痛? A: R:
10 頭皮屑? A: R:
11 何種過敏? A: R:
12 眼睛:白色部分是否有黑點,分佈在上、下、左、右? A: R:
13 白色部分:顏色白?黃?紅?清?濁? A: R:
14 鼻子:內部乾?濕?熱?涼? A: R:
15 舌頭:舌苔白?黃?紅? A: R:
16 牙齦:情況如何?指甲? A: R:
17 耳朵:內及外部,情況如何? A: R:
18 日常食物較多,米、麵、魚?肉? A: R:
19 疏菜?水果?常喝冰水、常喝何種飲料? A: R:
20 消化系統、是否正常?大便結實?鬆散?顏色?、 A: R:
21 小便清?濁?黃?紅? A: R:
22 睡眠時間?是否日夜顛倒? A: R:
23 何種工作職業?精神壓力? A: R:
24 何種運動情形? A: R:
25 小腹圍?腰圍? A: R:
26 超音波檢查?有否開刀? A: R:
27 月經正常及顏色?量?是否血塊? A: R:
28 有否懷孕?結婚?貼心朋友? A: R:
29 祖父母健在年歲?及父母是否有遺傳性症狀?職業? A: R:
30 自我介紹?無化妝之照片。以便望、聞、問、切之(望)? A: R:
31 他家醫院治療方式?或吃藥?何種藥物? A: R:
32 住址?電話?何種宗教信仰? A: R:

項目 中文 英文

1 姓名 name

2 性別 sexuality

3 身高 stature

4 體重 weight

5 血壓,血型 blood pressure, blood type

6 年齡 age

7 祖籍 ancestral home

8 學校 education school

9 頭痛 headache

10 頭皮屑 dandruff

11 何種過敏 any kind of allergy

12 眼睛:白色部分是否有黑點,分布在上下左右 eyeball: is there black spots on white part, on up down right or left?

13 白色部分:白黃紅清濁 white part: white, yellow, red, clear or turbid

14 鼻子:內部乾濕熱涼 nose: inner dry, moist, hot or cool

15 舌頭:舌苔白黃紅 tongue: fur white, yellow or red

16 牙齦:情況如何? 指甲? gums: status? nail?

17 耳朵:內及外部,情況如何? ear: internal and external status?

18 日常食物較多,米、麵、魚? 肉? regular diet habit: rice, noodle, fish? meat?

19 蔬菜?水果? 常喝冰水? 常喝何種飲料? vegetation? fruit? Have cold drink often?regular drink?

20 消化系統是否正常? 大便結實? 鬆散? 顏色? digestive system is normal? BM solid? loose?


21 小便清? 濁? 黃? 紅? urine clear? turbid? yellow? red?

22 睡眠時間? 是否日夜顛倒? sleeping time? biological clock reversed?

23 何種工作職業? 精神壓力 occupation? mental stress?

24 何種運動情形? exercise habit

25 小腹圍? 腰圍? Lower abdomen circumference and waist circumference

26 超音波檢查? 是否開刀? ultrasonic check? ever had surgery?

27 月經正常顏色? 量? 是否血塊? menstruation blood color? quantity? any clot?

28 是否懷孕? 結婚? 貼心朋友? Pregnancy? married? have close friends?

29 祖父母健在? 年歲? 父母是否有遺傳性症狀? 職業? grandparents are alive? age? any inheritance symptom? occupation?

30 自我介紹,無化妝照片以便望聞問切? Self introduction , photo without cosmetic in order to watch, hear, ask and touch

31 他家醫院治療方式? 吃藥? other hospital treatment? medication?

32 住址?電話?何種宗教信仰? address? telephone? religion ?

A、 Interrogation enquiry

01 name? A: R:
02 sexuality? A: R:
03 stature? A: R:
04 weight? A: R:
05 blood pressure, blood type? A: R:
06 age? A: R:
07 ancestral home? A: R:
08 education school? A: R:
09 headache? A: R:
10 dandruff? A: R:
11 any kind of allergy? A: R:
12 eyeball: is there black spots on white part, on up down right or left? A: R:
13 white part: white, yellow, red, clear or turbid? A: R:
14 nose: inner dry, moist, hot or cool? A: R:
15 tongue: fur white, yellow or red? A: R:
16 gums: status? nail? A: R:
17 ear: internal and external status? ? A: R:
18 regular diet habit: rice, noodle, fish? meat? A: R:
19 vegetation? fruit? Have cold drink often?regular drink? A: R:
20 digestive system is normal? BM solid? loose? A: R:
21 urine clear? turbid? yellow? red? A: R:
22 sleeping time? biological clock reversed? A: R:
23 occupation? mental stress? A: R:
24 exercise habit? A: R:
25 Lower abdomen circumference and waist circumference? A: R:
26 ultrasonic check? ever had surgery? A: R:
27 menstruation blood color? quantity? any clot? A: R:
28 Pregnancy? married? have close friends? A: R:
29 grandparents are alive? age? any inheritance symptom? occupation? A: R:
30 Self introduction , photo without cosmetic in order to watch, hear, ask and touch(望)? A: R:
31 other hospital treatment? medication? A: R:
32 address? telephone? religion ? A: R:
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