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29/4; pronunciation game
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pronunciation game
1. compile --vt.及物動詞 1. 匯編;編輯 // 2. mandarin n.名詞 1. 柑橘;柑橘樹 2. (M-)華語;的官話(北京話) 3. 清 官吏

I will compile an acupuncture point on my computer.

2. develop vt.及物動詞 1. 使成長;使發達;發展

I like to develop an acupuncture "know-how" for everybody.

3. relay n.名詞 1. 接替;接替人員;替換的馬(或獵狗等)[C] 2. 接力賽跑;接力賽中的一程[C] // race n.名詞 1. 賽跑;比賽,競賽[C][(+against/between/with)]

He ran a relay race in the Olympics.

4. vault 撐竿跳[C] // effortlessly ditch n.[C] 可數名詞 1. 溝;壕溝 2. 水道,渠道

He vaulted effortlessly over the ditch.

5. callern.[C] 可數名詞 1. 訪問者,探望者 // (2)collar KK[ˋkɑlɚ] DJ[ˋkɔlə] n.[C] 可數名詞 1. 衣領 --color --KK[ˋkʌlɚ] DJ[ˋkʌlə]

The caller(N) usually wears a neck tie on his collar.(N)

6. ore n.名詞 1. 礦;礦石;礦砂[C][U] // (2)mine n.[C] 可數名詞 1. 礦;礦山,礦井 2. 寶庫,源泉[S][(+of)]  //

Either you or I will go to the ore mine.

7. plunge vt.及物動詞 1. 使投入;將……插入;將……刺進;使突然前傾[O]

He plunged his hands into his coat pockets.

8. will v.aux.助動詞 1. (表示單純的將來)將 2. (表示意志,意願)願,要

I will make pumpkin bread for everybody.

9. would v.aux.助動詞 1. (will的過去式,表示過去未來式)將 2. (表示意志)願,要;偏要

I would carve a pumpkin Jack-o-lantern.

10. grave n.名詞 1. 墓穴;埋葬處[C] 2. 死亡[the S] vt.及物動詞 1. 雕刻

Could I visit my mother's grave?

11. horror KK[ˋhɔrɚ] DJ[ˋhɔrə] - n.名詞 1. 恐怖,震驚,毛骨悚然[U] S2. 極端厭惡[S][(+of)] 3. 恐怖性,慘狀[U] 4. 令人恐怖的事物[C][P1]
He may filled with horror at the bad news.-----honour -----KK[ˋɑnɚ] DJ[ˋɔnə] 1. = honor 變化形 動變: honoured,honoured,honouring honour n.名詞 正義感 榮譽

a.形容詞 1. 不動的,靜止的 She sat motionless with horror. 她驚恐萬狀,一動不動地坐著。

11'1 Dear United Way, Thank you for your support of Lafayette Adut Resource Acadermy.

As an ELL (English language learner) student at LARA. I deepy appreciate the wonderfull time for us to study grammar, speaking, conversations, listening, and improving our ability.

    Best regards,

                   Jack Lee.
12. Do you have any plans for the weekend?

The weather is growing colder day by day, the garden season will be ending.

So I must clear off my garden, rake away the foliage, and tear down the trellis.

13. scratchy

The wool jacket is scratchy to my skin.

14. sketchy --KK[ˋskɛtʃɪ] DJ[ˋsketʃi] a.形容詞 1. 寫生的;寫生風格的 2. 概略的;不完全的---draw-- KK[drɔ] DJ[drɔ:] vt.及物動詞 1. 劃,畫,繪製,描寫 I think it's very well drawn. 我認為畫得很好。 Mary drew a house on the paper. 瑪麗在紙上畫了一棟房子。

I drew a sketchy picture.

15. acorn --KK[ˋekɔrn] DJ[ˋeikɔ:n] n.名詞 1. 橡子,橡實[C]

The acors fall from the trees and lie under the leaves.

16. gourd --KK[gord] DJ[guəd] n.[C] 可數名詞 1. 葫蘆屬植物;葫蘆

Many gourds grew on my garden trellis but I tore it down.

17. subordinate clause,--- dependent clause.--- independent---

I have a garden which I measure four meters times five meters, and I will plant many vegetables that include tomatoes, pumpkins, gourds.

18. compound

He lives in a grand house, and he feels very satisfied.

19. complex

When I am hungry, I must eat pumpkin bread.

20. rather/weather rather KK[ˋræðɚ] DJ[ˋrɑ:ðə] ad.副詞 1. 相當,頗,有點兒 I'm feeling rather sleepy. 我有點睏倦。 2. (常與would或had連用)寧可,寧願;(與其……)倒不如;

(1). I would rather read a book than watch TV.
(2). The weather was a little cold, I'm feeling rather sleepy.

21. principle n.名詞 1. 原則;原理[C] I take this seriously. It's a matter of principle. 我對此很認真。這是原則問題。 2. 主義;信條[C] 3. (機器等的)原理;構造;工作方式[C]--
truthfulness--KK[ˋtruθfəlnɪs] DJ[ˋtru:θfulnis] n.名詞 1. 誠實;真實[U]--
unparalleled --KK[ʌnˋpærə͵lɛld] DJ[ʌnˋpærəleld] a.形容詞 1. 無比的;無雙的;空前未有的

My mother taught me many principles about life. The truthfulness of her teaching is unparalleled.

22. reckless KK[ˋrɛklɪs] DJ[ˋreklis] a.形容詞 1. 不注意的,不在乎的;魯莽的,不顧後果的[(+of)]--- wreck --n.名詞 1. (船等的)失事,遇難[U]

He is reckless driving his car so he may have a wreck.

23. abusive a.形容詞 1. 辱罵的 2. 濫用的

When he was very busy at work sometime he will be abusive to other people.

24. graceful a.形容詞 1. 優美的,雅緻的,典雅的 She is a graceful dancer. 她是一位舞姿優美的舞蹈演員。 2. 懂禮貌的,得體的 a graceful apology 有禮貌的致歉---form ---apology

he has had a tall graceful form from a young age.

25. reception n.名詞 1. 接待,接見;歡迎[S1] Jim had an enthusiastic reception when he returned home. 吉姆回家時受到了熱情的接待。 2. 接待會;歡迎會;宴會[C]---receipt n.名詞 1. 收到,接到[U] We are awaiting the receipt of further information. 我們正等待接獲進一步的消息。---

We are awaiting the receipt of further information that is for a reception for our new principal.

26. downpour ---n.[C] 可數名詞 1. 傾盆大雨,豪雨 She was drenched by the sudden downpour. 她被那場突然下的傾盆大雨淋得濕透。 2. (日光的)大量照射
drizzle ---KK[ˋdrɪz!] DJ[ˋdrizl] vi.不及物動詞 1. 下毛毛雨
porous ---KK[ˋporəs] DJ[ˋpɔ:rəs] a.形容詞 1. 有孔的,多孔的 2. 能滲透的;滲水的;透風的;透氣的 This clay pot is porous. 這個泥罐滲水。 ---clay

This house's roof has many porous walls when the weather is rainy it is a downpour.

27. lunar (calendar) new year.---ph.片語 1. 農曆新年;(Taiwanese, Korea, Malaysian, Vietnamese, 中國)新年;春節

What do you do for good luck?
Everything you use that is the color red, will bring you good fortune such as a cash gift.

Happy Birthday, Jack! I hope I am as young as you are when I get to be your age!

28. conscience

KK[ˋkɑnʃəns] DJ[ˋkɔnʃəns] n.名詞 1. 良心;道義心;善惡觀念[C][U] I got nothing to hide. My conscience is clear. 我沒有什麼隱瞞的。我問心無愧。

29. track---KK[træk] DJ[træk] n.[C] 可數名詞 1. 行蹤;軌道;足跡[P1] We followed his tracks in the snow to a hut. 我們沿著他在雪地上留下的足跡走到一間小屋旁。
truck---KK[trʌk] DJ[trʌk] n.[C] 可數名詞 1. 【美】卡車,載貨汽車 We heard the occasional rumble of a passing truck. 我們偶爾聽到卡車駛過的隆隆聲。
trek---KK[trɛk] DJ[trek] vi.不及物動詞 1. 艱苦跋涉;緩慢地行進

I made a track in my truck as I trek through the desert.

30. inspireKK[ɪnˋspaɪr] DJ[inˋspair] vt.及物動詞 1. 鼓舞,激勵,驅使[(+to)][O2] His speech inspired us to try again. 他的演講鼓舞了我們再作嘗試。
spree KK[spri] DJ[spri:] n.[C] 可數名詞 1. 嬉戲,歡鬧 2. 狂飲作樂 He went on a drinking spree. 他狂飲作樂。
courage KK[͵kɝɪdʒ] DJ[͵kʌridʒ] n.名詞 1. 膽量,勇氣,英勇[U][+to-v] He didn't have the courage to tell his mother that he had failed in the exam. 他沒有勇氣告訴母親他考試不及格。

His courage inspired us to go on a drinking spree.

31. 未雨綢繆

to repair the house before it rains; to provide for a rainy day; to take precautions before it is too late; to play the percentages; to make providence

32. prang---rink

She could pull a prank on the skating rink.

33. eery=eerie--- airy


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1. Modal Auxiliaries ph. 【語】情態(助)動詞 // modal 形容詞 1. 形態上的;形式的;程式的 2. 語氣的;情態的 3. 典型的

2. auxiliary  KK[ɔgˋzɪljərɪ] DJ[ɔ:gˋziljəri] a.形容詞 1. 輔助的 2. 附屬的;從屬的 // model vt.及物動詞 3. 做模特兒展示

3. usageKK[ˋjusɪdʒ] DJ[ˋju:sidʒ] n.名詞 1. 使用,用法;處理,對待[U][(+of)] 2. 習慣,習俗[C][U]

4. mechanics KK[məˋkænɪks] DJ[miˋkæniks] n.名詞 1. 力學;機械學[J]

5. opticsKK[ˋɑptɪks] DJ[ˋɔptiks] n.名詞 1. (用作單數)光學 2. optic的名詞複數

6. discrimination KK[dɪ͵skrɪməˋneʃən] DJ[di͵skrimiˋneiʃən] n [U]不可數名詞 1. 辨別,區別 n. 辨別,區別 discernment, judgement, discretion n. 不公平對待,歧視

7. racial KK[ˋreʃəl] DJ[ˋreiʃəl] a.[Z] 1. 人種的,種族的 2. 種族之間的 racial inequality 種族不平等

8. keep an eye on 1. 仔細看守好; 細心照顧 Could you keep an eye on my luggage for a moment? 你能幫我照看一會兒行李嗎? Keep an eye on the stove in case the coffee boils. 看著點爐子, 恐怕咖啡要開了。

9. Farewell KK[ˋfɛrˋwɛl] DJ[ˋfɛəˋwel] int.感歎詞 1. 再會!別了! Farewell! n.名詞 1. 告別;告別辭[U][C] They waved farewell to their friends on board the ship. 他們對船上的朋友揮手告別。 2. 送別會; a.形容詞 1. 告別的[B] farewell party 歡送會

10. seashore n.名詞 1. 海岸,海濱[C][the S] We took a walk along the seashore. 我們沿海濱散步。

11. usage---KK[ˋjusɪdʒ] DJ[ˋju:sidʒ] n.名詞 1. 使用,用法;處理,對待[U][(+of)] 2. 習慣,習俗[C][U] Do you have it? is a common American usage, but it would be more likely for British speakers to say Have you got it? Do you have it? 是慣用的美語用法,而英國人很可能說Have you got it?。 3. 【文】慣用法;文法[C][U]

12. fortune---KK[ˋfɔrtʃən] DJ[ˋfɔ:tʃən] n.名詞 1. 財產,財富;巨款[C][U] 2. 好運,幸運[U][+to-v] He did not deserve such fortune. 他不配得到這種好運氣。 3. 時運[P1] 4. 命運[C]

13. New Year's Eve 1. 除夕 Can you come to my home on New Year's Eve? 你在除夕能來我家嗎?

14. 1. Happy Birthday, Jack! I hope I am as young as you are when I get to be your age!--2.Happy Birthday, Jack! Great health, peace, and joy to you and Kiyoko in this new year! Have a fabulous day! ~All good things, Meg

14/1. I brought a butternut squash bread for SUE ANN yesterday but she broke a promise to me. No harm done!

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