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19/6: Meridains of the dorsal 掌背經脈
2010/07/21 09:22:10瀏覽720|回應0|推薦3

Subjet: 3 Meridains of the dorsal 掌背三條陽經脈位置

(1) 大腸經脈. 02(LI) Large Intestine Meridian 大腸

(2) 三焦經脈. 10(TH)Triple Heart Meridian 三焦

(3) 小腸經脈. 06(SI) Small Intestine Meridia 小腸

Usuallly we are claping our palms of the hand, That is a wonderful exercise. It could help our internal organs of the body for health.經常拍手好運動.有益內臟器官健康.


Touch the following English words .按下列英文字幕, 詳細說明經絡與穴道

(1) 大腸經脈是在食指內側。(六腑屬性陽) 02(LI) Large Intestine Meridian 大腸

(2) 三焦經脈是在無名指外側。(既第四指)(六腑屬性陽) 10(TH)Triple Heart Meridian 三焦

(3) 小腸經脈是在小指外側。(既第五指)(六腑屬性陽) 06(SI) Small Intestine Meridia 小腸
( 知識學習健康 )
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