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6、手太陽 小腸經 Small Intestine
2007/12/08 06:48:07瀏覽2824|回應0|推薦4

6、手太陽 【小腸經】 。

手太陽小腸經 Small Intestine (SI)。(HAND YANG:SUN)

OrderCodePointTimeMeridians NameWhereYINYANGShowlast night
06(S.I.)1901:00P.M.~03:00P.M.Small IntestineHAND0YANGShow06afternoon
(SI)’s  acupuncture point and name are listed in the following. (19 points)
Orderpoint namepoint namepoint namepoint namepoint namepoint@ L
06 SI/1:少澤 Shao4 Tse2 SI/2:前谷 chien2 ku3 SI/3:後谿 Hou4 Tsih1 SI/4:腕骨 wan 3 ku 3 SI/5:陽谷 Yang2 Ku3 L 19
06 SI/6:養老 Yang3 Lao3 SI/7:支正 tze 1 cheng 4 SI/8:小海 hsiao3 hai3 SI/9:肩貞 chien1 chen1 SI/10:臑俞 nao2 shu2 R 19
06 SI/11:天宗 Tien1 Tsung1 SI/12:秉風 ping3 feng1 SI/13:曲垣 chuh3 yuan2 SI/14:肩外俞 chien1 wai4 shu2 SI/15:肩中俞 chien1 chung1 shu2 19
06 SI/16:天窗 tien1 chuang1 SI/17:天容 tien1 yung2 SI/18:顴髎 chuan2 lien4 SI/19:聽宮 Ting1 Kung 1 SI/20:019

Main indication

Acupuncture points in this Meridiadin are indicated for diseases of the head , neck, ear, eyes and phrynx(throat). as well as certain fevrile conditions and mental illnese.These acupuncture points are also recommended symptons asociated with the meridians pathway.


「神志病」,包括憂鬱症、躁鬱症、妄想症、失眠、神經衰弱等症狀在內。「Neurosis 神經官能症」

※手太陽小腸經: Small Intestine (SI)

6,手太陽小腸經(SI)Small Intestine



(3)多血少氣,未時(當地時間下午01;00 P.M.時~03;00 P.M. 時),氣血注此。








Explain-- 說明-06(SI) Small Intestine Meridian 

begin_始_ Small Intestine

si/1、少澤 Shao4 Tse2

end-終_ Small Intestine

si/19、聽宮 Ting 1 Kung 1

下接 next (7)足太陽膀胱經 Bladder (FOOT YANG:SUN)
( 知識學習健康 )
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