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17d/1: common cold 感冒
2014/02/28 07:42:58瀏覽542|回應0|推薦0









每每感冒好了,又因變天再復感一次或二次,煩不勝繁。 所以,當您有感冒徵兆時,可依照下列; 幾個簡便的方法,達到快速截斷病邪的目的。

一、乾浴法: 用乾毛巾揉擦頭、面部,使其為流汗,控制感冒前驅症狀: 感冒在全身症狀出現之前,就有一些徵兆,如打噴嚏,鼻子發癢發酸,流清涕,頭昏或脖子發沉等

six ways to prevent catching a cold In winter, just when you think that you have recovered from a cold, you might catch colds time and again when weather changes. Hence, next time as you experience the symptoms of a cold, follow the methods below which will help you to get well soon.

1) Before you actually catch a cold, some symptoms show such as sneezing, itchy nose, running nose, dizziness, heaviness at the neck and so on.

Method: Put one arm behind your head tightly. Massage hard on and around fong-tsi pressure point .

2) Soak your feet with hot water

No matter a cold is caused by virus or other reason; feeling cold (either at outdoors or during sleep) tends to be the primary reason for catching a cold. So, one way to prevent a cold is to get hot till your body sweats.

Soak your feet with hot water and you will sweat throughout your body.

Method: Fill a big bowl (or other container) with water with a temperature around 43*C and soak both feet in it. Keep water temperature around 42*C throughout the soaking process and do it for ten minutes. Then, you will perspire.

3) Home-made ginger drink

Recipe: Fresh ginger about 5 ~ 10 slices. Some brown sugar and water. Boil water with brown sugar in it first.

Add fresh ginger slices into the boiling water and let it return to a boil (approximately ten minutes). Drink this ginger drink while it*s hot.

Effect: It makes your flesh sweat and you can say good-bye to your cold.

4) Massage (with a porcelain spoon or china tea cup) on your back

Effect of massage is to smoothen blood circulation.

When you (or have someone helps you) massage with a porcelain spoon or tea cup on your back, it helps balance your ying-yang chi inside your flesh.

After you massage using this method, the skin on the massage area would usually become bruise-like. As a matter of fact, during this time, this part of your body is actually repairing itself.

5) Gargle using salt water and drink tea regularly

Tea contains some sort of acid which kills bacteria or freezes bacteria activity. Thus, drinking tea strengthens our vitality.

In the season (for catching colds), bring some salted dried fruit (like plum or olive) with you when you enter the public place. It helps!

6) Wash hands frequently

During observations, doctors have discovered healthy individuals will be affected by cold virus after they shake hands with people (sick with a cold) or touch objects which have been in contact with people (sick with a cold).

These cold viruses can live and survive for as long as 70 hours on the hands of healthy individuals. Consequently, washing hands can block the channel where cold viruses can spread it vices.


請按下列紅色字幕說明。 touch the following red word for explain.

(01): (大椎穴)Ta 4 Chui 1(gv_pm_14),

(14)奇經督脈 governor vessel

(02): (風池穴) Feng 1 Chih 2(g_20),

(11)足少陽膽經 gall bladder

You can access parts of acupuncture point throuth

1. 部分穴道宜用----Moxibustion .祖傳藥灸 【醫】藥灸或Benigaisen Moxibustion 紅外線藥灸

(1). 坐骨神經要穴 請按下圖

(2). 指腎三穴。治胸背痛宜三針同時取用
(3). 八關八穴,中風要穴
(4). 符合董氏針灸的分類

1a. 部分穴道宜用----Moxibustion .藥灸reflex to Uterus,Bladder, Head,Eyes.---治療子宮,膀胱,頭,眼睛

reflex to Bladder,Uterus

heal for Bladder,Uterus

reflex to Head,Eyes.

heal for Head,Eyes.

2. 部分穴道宜用----Drug cloth paste .現代藥布貼

3. 部分穴道宜用---- Scrapping 刮痧

(6). 請按!拜佛健康醫學!鑽

(7). 請按!拜佛與醫學

4. 部分穴道宜用----Cupping of fire. 拔火罐

5. 部分穴道宜用----Beat. 拍打.---Massage. 按摩(6).部分穴道宜用----Acupuncture. 針灸.

(8). 心肌梗賽要穴請按下圖

(9). 健康貼士 Health Tips Collection--(10). 陳希夷 24 節氣治病 Feasts treatment--(11). 中醫世界 TCM World--
(12). 珍藏特展目錄導覽技術體驗成果網站資源

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