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17a/9:an accident 意外受傷
2014/01/26 15:47:59瀏覽501|回應0|推薦0

an accident 發生意外受傷

pika2When someone has an accident, his breathing, blood circulation and energy stop in that moment.
(1).Remember the local time of the accident.
(2).Which part of the body has the person get injured ?
(3).Use 12 Meridians vessels and acupuncture point to rescue.
(4).Otherwise, A less seriously injured person may be epileptic .
A More seriously injured person may become a vegetable.

(2).患者受傷的部位在何處? 部位是哪一個穴道? 是屬於哪一條經脈? 以便經絡及穴道來舒暢!
✅ (3).以便使用經絡及穴道的方法以及耳邊細語的方法來急救!重整聽覺器官!
( 知識學習健康 )
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