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2014/01/18 06:25:10瀏覽331|回應0|推薦0


It was good to hear from you and that you arrived home safely.
It was so nice having you here, and we enjoyed you and your photographs.
Weather wise you left at a good time - more and more snow and more and more cold.
Wish we could be in Taiwan. Happy Year of the Horse at the end of January!
Dear Brother Jack and Sister Kiroko,

Thank you very much for informing your safety arrival. Meg asked when will you leave? When she knew that you had already left, she said she'd miss you two. LARA reopened this week. We see several new learns, so the atmosphere is energetic and active. Hope you come back as early as possible, and enjoy the harmonious family life in Taiwan as well.

Mei and Fu
李 jack 於 2014年1月13日 下午5:39 寫道:

徐大哥 鄭老師 展信平安,

承蒙徐大哥鄭老師熱心 關懷教導,受益良多,在此感謝。

狂風暴雨後厚雪下安抵 祖國台灣,遲於回函,敬請見諒。


Best regards,




承蒙 先進 同學 朋友 熱心 關懷教導,受益良多,在此感謝。

狂風 暴雨 厚雪 平安 抵達 祖國台灣,遲於問函,敬請見諒。


  Have fun reading this letter.

I am thankful for the predecessors, classmates, and friends' enthusiasm, care and friendships. You have taught us so much. We would like to express our gratitude here.

With the winter storm Ion and strong wind, our flights got cancelled and rescheduled. Nevertheless, we finally made it back to Taiwan. If we are late in replying to your messages, please be understanding.

We are still adjusting to our jet lag. We are very exhausted.

Best Regards,

Jack and Kiyoko
Thank you, Jack--as usual, these are great!!

I hope you and Kiyoko have a wonderful July 4th weekend!

Warm regards,

1.春分 Vernal equinox 2.清明 Pure Brightness 3.穀雨 Sixth solar term 4.立夏 Beginning of Summer 5.小滿 Grain Full 6.芒種 Ninth solar term 7.夏至 Summer solstice 8.小暑 Slight Heat 9.大暑 Great Heat 10.立秋 Beginning of Autumn 11.處暑 Heat's End 12.白露 White Dew 13.秋分 Autumnal equinox 14.寒露 Cold Dew 15.霜降 Hoar frost descending 16.立冬 Beginning of winter 17.小雪 20th solar term 18.大雪 Heavy snow 19.冬至 Winter solstice 20.小寒 Slight Cold 21.大寒 Great Cold 22.立春 Spring beginning 23.雨水 Rain water 24.驚蟄 Insec aken
( 知識學習健康 )
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