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Adrenaline 歌詞 文森佐 頌樂Solar 演唱
2022/03/23 17:13:02瀏覽225|回應0|推薦1

adrenaline rushing through my vain

I forgot all the pain

I drink , lit , drip for life to lose my sight of emptiness

try everything to forget cause I might lose my control

​questions you ask too much

Sheeze cause you might be getting hurt

no one to trust

​I dont know what i should want, I dont know where to go

fire rising up to higher

Im buring up its dire

I dont wanna burn you so leave

I dont wanna keep you to be a lier

dont wanna hurt you

you should leave me

Im no good for you

so leave me now

please leave me now

I cant keep you sane

another world if theres a chance Ill take

mo money more love I got everything I dont need more

I wont tell you who i am

its you to figure out from the inside my heart

​I dont know what I should want, I dont know where to go

fire rising up to higher

Im buring up its dire

I dont wanna burn you so leave

I dont wanna keep you to be a lier

dont wanna hurt you

you should leave me

Im no good for you

so leave me now

please leave me now

I cant keep you sane

another world if theres a chance Ill take

adrenaline rushing through my vain

I forgot all the pain

I drink , lit , drip for life to lose my sight of emptiness
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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