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2015/07/20 10:01:56瀏覽267|回應0|推薦4

I bet most of you guys may have never heard of this motion picture, "Bridge at Toko-Ri".  The movie was shot in 1954; I watched it when I was a kid of elementary school, and I watched it again on a classic channel yesterday.  The movie illustratated how did American jet fighters were dispatched from a carrier to raid a bridge built somewhere at a ravine in North Korea.  So it was a film concerning a battle in Korean War.  I don't know if the movie was adapted from a true story, but, to the best of my knowledge, it was the only film concerning Korean War that Hollywood had ever produced.  There had been a lot of war pictures filmed by Hollywood, even many of that humiliating Vietnam War, but why not Korean War? 

Korean War(1950-1953) is the war that America cannot bear to recall.  That famous quotation "It's a wrong war fought at a wrong place, in a wrong time, and against a wrong enemy." was cited twice in the movie.  Audience can clearly tell from the picture how large the differences between US and Chinese army, its main rival, were in arms:  Sophisticated F-86 flew from gigantic carrier to fight the infantry with primitive weapons.  But US, along with its allies, eventually lost the war to a dire poor, severely devastated China who was yet to recover from civil war and anti-Japanese war.  Since Korean war, US has been trying everything she can to "contain" China until now, and Taiwan has been thus "protected" until now, as well. 

By the way, the movie partly spotlighted a rising star in early 50's: that immortal idol, Grace Kelly.  

P.S. You can also see the scene of a US-occupied Japan was couched in the movie.  To some extent, after 70 years Japan is still occupied by US now.                 

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