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"脂粉雙槍俠" & "脂粉雙槍俠之子"
2015/05/23 13:03:14瀏覽366|回應0|推薦4

Yesterday afternoon when my wife was watching some oddies' movies channel, I happened to find "脂粉雙槍俠"(The Paleface, 1948) was starting to play.  So I laid down everything on hand and accompaied her watching it.  Actually, she just sort of killed time watching TV, but why was I so interested in the picture?  Because I'd watched its sequel "脂粉雙槍俠之子"(Son of Paleface, 1952) several times before, but never watched the real prequel. 

The main characters of both films were all portrayed by comic but witty Bob Hope and that voluptuous but sultry Jane Russell.  The film were nothing but ordinary comedies, nearly farces with derogatory illustration on American Indians.  The only appreciable part of the movies were Bob Hope's acting performance.  He was really a born comedian, a genius indeed.  Hope was a household name of America, and actually he was a national hero, too.  Since World War Two, throughout Korean War, Vietnam War, even Gulf War, he'd  trouped countless times to entertain the servicemen on battlefields.  He died in 2003 at 100. 

By the way I love the brisk and melodious theme song of either film: "Buttons and Bows", also an Oscar best song award winner, sung by two famous singers, Dinah Shore and Doris Day, respectively.  Pitifully, I don't know how to attach it here.  Please youtube to find the song, the films as well, if you are interested in. 

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