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綠媒, 別誤導台灣老百姓了.
2022/07/16 21:26:35瀏覽483|回應0|推薦13

The former president of Siri Lanka run away via many places to Jeddah the other day.  Prior to that, the government already declared "bankruptcy", meaning it was unable to repay national debts to the lenders. 

The green media of Taiwan, e.g., "Times", "Talk", and so on, then blamed it on China with one voice: Siri Lanka had been trapped in the mire of the debt from China under the plan of "One Belt, One Road.", which made the island country busted.

What the hell!  According to some reliable reports, Siri Lanka only owed China 5 billion, or scarcely 10% of its total national debt of 51 billion.  The real reason caused such a miserable situation for that beautiful ocean country had long been its incompetent governance, widespread corruption, blatant nepotism, plus the recent COVID and Russian-Ukraine War that brought it an uncontrollable inflation.  The root cause is there has never been a social revolution since British colonization.

Don’t be fooled by those green media, man.      

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