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2021/02/09 13:32:21瀏覽376|回應0|推薦7

Recently a much-hyped article, reputedly written by a British reporter in Taiwan, are spreading around LINE, extolling how successfully that "minister" Chen and DPP administration have been doing for fighting COVID-19( Some of them are still calling it Wuhan Pneumonia.)  The article also argued that accusation from the opposition party was just a nonsense and suggested it had been the pressure from China Mainland that made the island void of any vaccine so far.  

"Minister" Chen announced yesterday that Taiwan will be distrubuted two hundred thousand AZ vaccines from WTO by next month, and will start to inoculate it for the medical workers by March, hopefully.  (But report said some countries had mistrust on the validation of AZ products, e.g. South Africa, who had suspended further injecting the vaccine.)  Well, all I have to say here is had Chen and DPP not showed such an inhuman discrimination against China Mainland when the pandemic broke out, and excluded the possibilities of applying any vaccine made of or affiliated with China in the first place, they would not have trapped themselves in such an embarassed situation right now. 

PS After a long silence, Gen Chen Wei and her team made a comeback by announcing the latest research and achievements.  https://www.toutiao.com/a6927052483789488648/


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