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2020/01/02 09:24:59瀏覽330|回應0|推薦6

Retiredbum notes:  For China Mainland, 2020 is the year full of long-term prospects, while for Taiwan there are even no short-term hopes because Wonky Cai has already announced that she will not sacrifice the "sovereignty of Taiwan" in exchange of any short-term interests (from Mainoland).  Dear islanders, you had better be poised to contiune living in reduced circumstances for at least another four years. 



光明网01-01 07:38

【转存!2020是个什么年?】2020终于来了!2020年是个什么年?是闰年,2月29日出生的同学又能过生日了;奥运年,中国代表团将全力冲刺东京奥运会;火星探测年,中国探火强势来袭;全面小康年,全面建成小康社会的收官之年…2020更可以是梦想成真年,每一个努力的你,都能用奋斗创造属于自己的奇迹! ​


来源: 人民日报




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