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2019/10/13 10:27:16瀏覽486|回應0|推薦13

You may think I am promoting subject chain dinner for its famous Taiwanese delicacies. Well, I am not., though I like it’s food. But I like it even more because the franchise retains some elements of Chinese culture.

A couple years ago, a clownish DPP counselor or legislater urge that the charcter "魯“ in its brand name be changed to "滷” because the former one is the abbreviation of Shandong, a province of China.  The franchise solemnly refused that absurd demand.  Much more than that, the franchise is silently promoting Chinese traditional literature by printing popular Tang poetry on the sleeves of chopsticks.  Yesterday, my wife and had our dinner at a store of the franchise in our neighborhood, and we were served with the chopsticks enveloped by the sleeves with famous poems printed on:  李白 送孟浩然之廣陵 and 王維 送別, respectively.  In fact, not long ago I already found such a practice by the franchise.  Please see my previous writing 試譯:白居易-問劉十九 at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/113711945

During the perverted atmosphere of anti-China and the concomitant removing Chinese classic literature from schools, the act of 鬍鬚張魯肉飯 is more than commendable, at least it has earned a big "like" from me.


I would like to share with you the prominent translation of 白居易-問劉十九 rendered by Mr Xu Yuanchong (許淵沖大師):


My new brew gives green glow,


My red clay stove flames up.


At dusk it threatens snow.


Wont you come for a cup?

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