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2014/11/16 21:10:34瀏覽111|回應0|推薦0 | |
早上8點上班看到沛璇 晚上7點、9點倒垃圾也看到沛琁 假日走在路上也拿到競選文宣 一個上班族在自己居住社區會出沒的時間都掌握了 就算不認識她 也會被她的認真與真誠所感動 讓我想出門投她一票 前提是我可以投的話 ? :-) ======================================== Aura咖啡 羅斯福路 =================================== 最近在追 康斯坦丁的劇 男主角 ... 臉有點 ㄘ ㄠˋ 老, 但身材挺好滴 & 身體比例
上網google了一下 是威爾斯人 在哪?? 在英國裡, 但又不叫英國 因為 ... "英國由四個國家聯合而成,分別是英格蘭、蘇格蘭、威爾斯和北愛爾蘭 " ==================================== ============================ 問你are you alright ? 到底要怎麼回答答答答 ??
我看一個英國影集 A: Are you alright ? B: NO. NOT in the slightest. 翻譯是寫 我很好,沒事 這樣 我覺得很怪 上網查查 "Are you Alright There" means, do you need help or assistance with whatever you are doing. https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080409063022AAjYrsL
You can respond either by saying 'yeah/yes', 'yeah/yes, I'm all right/fine', 'yes/yeah, you all right?' or with another greeting, 'hello/hi' or quite commonly just by saying 'all right' yourself. It doesn't require an answer in the same way that 'how are you?' does, it's often used not as a question (although the first person to say it may use a questioning tone), but just to mean 'hi'. In the same way, if someone says 'hi' to you, it's a common response to say 'all right'. http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=1611454 ===================================== 伊波拉病毒 影片 =========================== 階級凝視下的魯蛇人生http://twstreetcorner.org/2013/10/07/wanghongzen-2/ ======================== |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |