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《2016 圓夢中橫系列》DAY 1~我們經歷了一段美好時光
2016/01/09 12:17:10瀏覽541|回應0|推薦2


9D  徐祐翔
今天早上一早6點就到台北,雖然大家都很累 但是也都很期待。前一天聽別班同學說有下雪,
所以大家抱著想要賞雪的心情坐上了車。經過長途的車程,我們到了登山口。大家抱著興奮的心情抱著朝山頂邁進,在路上卻完全不見雪的蹤跡。直到嚮導跟我們說 草叢裡面有殘雪,雖然沒有看見美麗的雪花降下的樣子 但大家還是如願以償地見到了白雪的痕跡。到了山頂 大家都非常興奮也非常輕鬆,但在路上卻有人得了高山症,痛苦萬分。大家紛紛向前關心 並給予幫助。最後終於在大家的熱情下,那位同學的症狀好轉 一起順利的下山了。到了山屋 大家享用了一頓美味的晚餐,或許不像高級餐廳那樣細緻的味道,卻是我們一天努力下來得到地報酬。晚上,大家玩了一些小遊戲,並到外面觀賞滿天的群星 聽老師講解每顆星的辨認方式及故事,學到了非常多。最後聽了嚮導 莊主 以及教官的訓勉,大家抱著一天的疲累回到房間,為了明天更累的旅程休息做準備。今天雖然沒有走很多路,但是是第一天,都還非常生疏,希望之後每天都會愈來愈好。
Everyone of us woke up before the sun today to prepare for the trip through central Taiwan. Though we were all very tired but we heard that there will be snow, so most of us got excited for the trip. We started out journey to He Huang Mountain and got to the point to start climbing. After a few hundred meters, no snow was in sight. This was a pretty easy hike for us because of our past training. Though a few of us still struggled to reach the top due to the altitude of the mountain and the sickness with it. We helped each other and showed the close relation within our class. All of us made it down the mountain in one piece and enjoyed a lovely dinner. When it got dark we went out  where the was pitch black. The galaxy, was the only source of light. Words are not enough to describe. After the sighting of stars, the teachers talked about the things we did right and the things we did wrong today. We know tat today is the easiest day. We don't know what is next to come, but we sure will keep a good attitude and try our absolute best.

9A 全體同學


We were all very excited about the trip and the view. Durning the bus tour, our volunteer for the China Youth Corps, Wei-Nee, was very enthusiastic. She called herself natural beauty, well, we do not agree with that actually. Meanwhile, we have arrived at the Ching-Jing farm. Wei-Nee said the farm was famous for two things, sheep show and the home stay buildings(民宿). If you look down the building from top of the mountain or higher places, you will notice that the mountains were leveled and trees were cut. The development were advantages for human, but its bad for the nature. 
When we arrived the He-Huan mountain road, the tour guides/geographers explained the mountains around He-Huan. Which include the Black Chi-Lai mountain, He-Huan tip mountain, Shi-men mountain, and Nan-Hu mountain etc.
We were all impressed by the view today because today we have a sunny day and clear view that allow us to look straight to the Jade Mountain. After we walked back to the highway, we went to visit Wu-Ling, the highest main road in Taiwan. Usually there will be snowing in this season, but today was too shiny so the snow melt, but still, some of the snow were remain ice hanging on the rock.
The group game were amazing but we prefer some activities which can connect all of us together. The previous show was good, we were entertained by the volunteers with there funny moves. Thanks to the vice principal, all the teachers, and all of the leaders, you brighten the whole day.
May the Kang Chiao force be with us.


Cross Island Hiking No.4 Day1 English Reflection

Today is the first day of the trip, everyone was filled with excitement on the way to our first destiny, which is the Hehuan Mountain. But, after we arrived at the mountain, the weather suddenly changed from a little rain into heavy rain. It became hard for us to see our path because of the fog that surrounded us, and we had no choice but to leave immediately. When we head down to the place that we are going to stay tonight, the car driver told us that later today or tomorrow morning it is definitely going to snow, so if we stayed at the mountain it might be very hard for us to walk. Anyways we arrived at the place we stay very early at noon, and we started the other activities that we have to do today.

When we arrived at the place we stay, many of us seemed a little bit disappointed because of the bad weather and the fact that we were not able to climb the mountain. Some of us still wanted to climb the mountain because they didn’t see why bad weather can affect us too badly, and some of us also wanted to see if they would be able to see snow, but teachers explained to us that if we keep on hiking with a weather like this we can get lost in the mountain because of poor vision.

Later at night, all of us played a few games and sang a few songs. Even though we didn’t feel very good of how we can not climb the mountain, but we still cheered us up and had a lot of fun, our spirit became high again, maybe tomorrow and the rest of the days of this trip will get better and better.

2016圓夢康橋 健行中橫 第四梯次 第一天 心得 



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