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10A 關慧慈 Bicycle Trip
2009/11/26 10:58:49瀏覽618|回應0|推薦0

   On Nonmember 11 we had a bicycle trip. Before this trip I don’t even   know how To really ride a bicycle. I can’t stop it. On the bus we talked about the things we are going to use during the trip of cycling Taiwan. I remembered vice principal said that if you wear glasses there are special eye protectors to use.  When we arrived the river side, I could see the bicycles put in order for us. Then we started to ride. We passed the lake, bridge, and many other things. At lunchtime we had McDonald for lunch in 13 museum. After lunch we went into the museum to look around. The museum is about people who live in the time 1800 to 500 B.C. After the museum we went to Dan-Shui Old Street. I got some dessert there. The time was also short but nice to visit there. When we were on the way back , I felt more comfortable riding bicycle. The weather was really cool too. It was not too hot or cold. And it didn’t rain. On the bus back to school ,I felt tired but I had a good memory. I enjoyed the trip with Singapore students. They made the trip wonderful. And the most wonderful thing was I know how to ride the bike!

( 心情隨筆校園筆記 )
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