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10-B Janice Lu Cycling tripDanshuei cycling trip
2009/11/25 15:39:52瀏覽312|回應0|推薦0
Since we are going to go around Taiwan in next semester, our school has already prepared a whole lot of practice for us, starting from November, 11th. This time was our first time to practice, and we were very lucky and honored to have Singaporean students to accompany with us. Bicycle is not even hard for me, I was riding on our rent bikes, trying to get used to it. After a while of bumpy ride or abrupt stop, I got used to my bike, but I see many of us could not even fasten their feet on to peddle. I was thanking my dad deeply in my heart, who forced me to learn bike. We go around the whole Danshuei, from Guandu Bridge to Tzuoan. We visited many sights, which are all very educational and memorial.
I really thanked the school gave us a chance to have both practice our skill and get along with our Singaporean friends. Going out together and do things together is the mast effective way to be friends. It was a wonderful day, and I hope we can do this often.
( 心情隨筆校園筆記 )
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