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10B Jack
2009/11/25 13:08:17瀏覽221|回應0|推薦0

We, students of 10th grade were excited for our bicycling trip with our guests from

Singapore. As we waited for instructions, we had many discussions about who would fall

during the trip, all the way to what we would see on that day. We were thrilled and jumped

on the buses with excitement.
Once we had gotten off the bus, we all excitedly started one of the best bicycle rides in

our life. On the way, we stopped by a museum and learnt about ways we could stop Global

Warming and help the world. Later we continued our trip and had our lunch by another museum

that taught us about the old days in the area we were in, and the tribe that had lived here.

After lunch, we all toured into the museum and discovered about many things of the old times

and were amazed. After that, we then rode back towards our starting point.Some of us bought

drinks and food. After that we all went back to the bus, and ended our wonderful trip from

Guan Du to Ba Li.
It was one of the best trips ever.

( 心情隨筆校園筆記 )
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