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10B Brenda
2009/11/25 10:27:53瀏覽250|回應0|推薦0

The new students from Singapore came to join us while we were studying at school. But the time was just only one week. It’s hard to know all the things about Singapore or what they did at their own school. I’ve got two buddies; it’s really difficult to take care of them at the same time. Friday after school, I brought them to Taipei 101 to buy things to eat and for the supper. On Saturday, my family and I took them to 九份, the Oceanside of the north beside Keelung. I brought them over there is because they seldom see the ocean, only if they travel to other countries at the break. On purpose of the movie “2012”, we spend our sleeping time on the movie, it started at the midnight around 2 o’clock and it ended at 5 o’clock. But there were lots of people at the theater. We went back home continued sleeping until 9:30, we woke up to prepare the things for them, then we went to Gongguan took the MRT to Ximen for lunch. After lunch we shopped at the cute things shop. Last, we brought them back to Gongguan and also that was the time to say goodbye, so sad!

Make new friends from other countries is a great time to know others and different type of the knowledge.

( 心情隨筆校園筆記 )
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