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10B Janice
2009/11/25 10:06:15瀏覽224|回應0|推薦0

This week we were honored to welcome Singaporean students from Dunman High School. Although they come to school every year, it is always a different group of students. And this was the first time I am the host family. It was exciting.
On the last day, Friday, we held a cultural exchange show. Jeff and I were the hosts. Jeff really helped me a lot, really appreciate him. He was talking for more than two third of the time. It was a very nervous job to host the talent show.

On the weekend, we went to Wu fen pu五分埔 for clothes shopping with many friends. We had a good time. On Sunday, we all felt sad it was time for them to leave. I am already planning to meet them again.

( 心情隨筆校園筆記 )
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