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【2023秀岡校區】DAY2—10C 養精蓄銳、調整狀態,繼續迎接全新挑戰!
2023/04/19 10:02:10瀏覽1536|回應0|推薦0



After the challenges we faced yesterday on the Beiyi road, we are ready for all challenges in the future. Considering the dangers of riding the Suhua rd., the school decided to take the train this morning to Hsincheng station, where we continued our cycling journey. Through the long day, we faced a number of challenges. On one hand, the package collection in the morning tests our time management abilities, as preparing on the previous day would decrease the workload today. On the other hand, the breakfast and gathering times again polished our ability to plan ahead. After we started our journey today, the rumbling transporting trucks continued to pass us, putting our order passing to test. As the trip today was less tiring compared to the previous, everyone shows a little more happiness as we ended. Tonight, our job is to take as much rest as possible, and prepare for the 100km+ challenge tomorrow. Lastly, we want to thank all teachers and the helpers from Giant, as without them, we wouldn’t have completed the journey today.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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