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2017/04/27 11:06:56瀏覽710|回應0|推薦0 | |
1001第9天環臺心得分享 一天一天就這樣過去了,今天是環台的第九天。回想到第一天從陽光出發時還抱著那興奮和緊張的心情踏上這項挑戰的第一步。剛開始從沒想過會過得那麼快,但當你每天都和同學們一起相處、一起騎車、一起騎過每個城市,你就會發現到這個旅程過得有多麼快。 在實際要挑戰前,我以為這是件不可能的任務,但透過同學之間的扶持和鼓勵,這項挑戰變得很順利。我們沒辦法說這很容易,也沒辦法說這項挑戰是一個人能完成的。那麼多天下來,每天在騎車的過程中能夠給我們力量的就是班上的同學們。不管是北宜還是壽卡,如果同學之間沒有互相鼓勵和打氣,這項挑戰並不會那麼容易。 想到最後一次車訓爬北宜的時候天氣蠻涼爽的,而且那天也只爬了北宜的1/3。我當時並沒想到說北宜會成為一項困境。這項挑戰的第一站就是北宜,那天天氣非常炎熱,爬的距離也非常長,比起車訓,難度提升了非常多。第五天爬壽卡時天氣也非常炎熱,因為疲憊的累積,力氣都快要用盡了。在這兩天爬長上坡以及面對那炎熱的天氣下,我曾經想過要放棄,也有想過為什麼要來參加這項挑戰、為什麼要這樣折磨自己。在有這些念頭的同時,在我的身邊有那些會鼓勵我的同學。對我來說,如果缺少了他們的鼓勵,我沒有辦法靠自己的雙腳完成這項挑戰。 今天騎的距離,對已經騎過一百多公里的我們來說並沒有很長,但身體還是感到很疲憊。在這麼多天連續騎乘的狀況下,大家的疲憊已經快累積到極限。騎車會騎到想睡覺、甚至會騎不太下去,但有同學在你身前或後陪你聊天,甚至是在你身後唱歌、幫你打氣。同學之間這樣的互動為班上營造了良好的氛圍,也同時保護到彼此之間的安全。我們並不是要和其他班級比,而是要自己做到最好,要比,也是要和昨天的自己比,一天一天進步。 我們來挑戰單車環臺的目的有許多,而那最重要的目的就是在這過程中提升班上的默契,培養互相幫助和提醒,並讓我們領悟到自己已經成年了,要對自己的言行舉止負責。剩下三天了,在今天的騎乘結束時,我突然有種空虛的感覺,突然發現時間一溜煙的就過去了。本來剛開始還以為自己不可能會完成這項挑戰,也以為這趟旅程會過得很痛苦、很慢長。我曾經害怕自己會因為體力不足而上車,但因為班上同學的鼓勵,以及師長的陪伴,我憑著自己的雙腳與班上的同學騎遍臺灣的一半了。 在途中看見了許多平常看不到的東西,也把我們的家鄉仔細的看了、聽了、聞了一遍。這趟旅程所看到聽到和聞到的事物我們不一定會再接觸到,所以應該要珍惜這一切去用心感受和體會。透過這趟旅程,我發現到臺灣的渺小,也深深體驗到了傳統人的生活環境。在挑戰環臺前,我從未想過臺灣其實真的很小,也從未體驗到臺北以外的人的生活。環臺的過程中總會遇到困境,但要度過這項困境,靠的是同學之間的默契以及自我毅力。我們每天都必須一直堅持下去,一天也不可鬆懈下來。我們既然平平安安從台北離開,那我們也要平平安安回到台北,和同樣的人一起完成這項不可能的任務。在剩下的三天裡和同樣的人一起克服困難,留下更多美好的回憶,珍惜現在所擁有的時間和一切,不要等到長大後才後悔。 Today is the ninth day since we left our comfortable home and started our cycling trip. All the way from Chiayi to Lukang, everything has been spectacular. Our trip is about to come to an end, there are only three days left. However, our teachers always tell us that the nearer it gets to the end, the more challenging it will be, and our journey never really ends until the very last moment, so we still need to try hard until the very last day. The most interesting event today is when we took a photo together under the Hsilo Bridge. The bridge is very beautiful, and it is also very massive at the same time, it took us a while to ride across the bridge. Although our class argues about each other all the time, we all know that it is only because we care more about each other, and that our friendship becomes stronger along the way. Everyday there is a new challenge waiting for us, it may be a storm with rain, dropping down like a thousand needles poking our skin, or it may be the hot sun which gets us sunburnt, but no matter what it is, well always stay positive. Riding with the class is the most precious gift we received on this trip, its the one and only energy source which keeps us moving on, and we still look forward to achieve our ultimate goal - to finish this marvelous trip together. Additionally, another lesson that we learned on this trip is to be thankful to all of the people who have helped us. We are especially thankful to the Giant team who never stops looking after us and always makes sure that all of the students stay safe and safe. Most importantly, we are thankful to our parents who worry for us every single day. Without their support, we might never have been able to finish this trip, and we will definitely keep on trying harder to finish this journey safely. |
( 心情隨筆|校園筆記 ) |