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Solar Eclips 日蝕
2009/07/22 17:29:02瀏覽224|回應0|推薦0

21世紀最久的日全食出現在今天 Jul. 22 2009  早上 8:23 ~

今早十點多, 一通電話響起

mama , 我有看到日蝕喔.. 我想到你公司去看ㄋㄟ

你用什麼看 ?


真好. 可以親眼看到本世紀天文歷史上最久的日偏蝕 (在台灣)


來自網路新聞 -

Solar eclipse: Of celestial mechanics and the Eye of God      



Total solar eclipses have struck awe or fear into hearts for millennia, but scientists are more interested in the unusual mathematics behind the gold-and-indigo lightshow.



Superstition has always haunted the moment when Earth, Moon and Sun are perfectly aligned. The daytime extinction of the Sun, the source of all life, is associated with war, famine, flood and the death or birth of rulers.


 Desperate for an explanation, the ancient Chinese blamed a Sun-eating dog. The Vikings believed the culprits were two giant wolves, Skoll and Hati, which chased the Sun around the sky. Among Indians in South America, an eclipse was simply, terrifyingly, "the Eye of God."


But a remarkable act of celestial geometry explains it all.


When the Moon glides between Earth and the Sun, it casts a cone-shaped shadow, called an umbra, that races from West to East.








The Sun is 400 times wider than the Moon, but it is also 400 times farther away. Because of the symmetry, the umbra, for those on the planetary surface, is exactly wide enough to cover the face of the Sun.


At an eclipse's height, a halo of gold, called a corona, flares around the darkened lunar disc, while the sky turns an eerie dark blue, disorienting birds and causing bats to emerge from their roosts in the belief that night has fallen.


Total solar eclipses are exceptional events, and the one that crosses Asia today is especially so. 全日蝕是非常罕見的天象,今天在亞洲地區出現的日全蝕現象更是如此。 

If the clouds hold back, it could be the most-watched eclipse in history, for its path of totality traverses the world's two most populous countries, China and India. 如果沒有雲層遮蔽,這次日蝕可能會是有史以來最多人看得到的日蝕,因為這次的日全蝕帶橫跨世界上人口最多的兩個國家:中國和印度。 






People living outside totality, from Japan in the north to parts of Indonesia in the south, will be in the penumbra, or partial shadow, which means a "bite" seems to have been taken out of the Sun.



Until now, the most-watched eclipse occurred on August 11, 1999, when the umbra raced from Britain, across Western Europe, part of the Middle East and India.






( 知識學習語言 )
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