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2012/11/04 08:59:27瀏覽68|回應1|推薦0






給我一個安靜地角落 避開所有眼光地探索
經過多年刻意地漂泊 面對無數陌生地臉孔

為什麼 經過多年以後 所有地過與錯 無法解脫
為什麼 經過多年以後 得失地過程 如此冷漠

並不是我故意冷漠 也不是要讓自己孤獨
我只想要簡單地擁有 一片小小真實地天空

為什麼 經過多年以後 所有地愛與恨不能淡薄
為什麼 經過多年以後 風乾地傷口 心痛依舊

這些日子就這樣經過 今天不再是昨天地我
也許明天要面對地 更多
每當夜深人靜地時候 觸摸傷痕滿佈地雙手
忍著痛掙脫內心地 枷鎖

為什麼 經過多年以後 所有地過與錯 無法解脫
為什麼 經過多年以後 得失地過程 如此冷漠
為什麼 經過多年以後 所有地愛與恨不能淡薄
為什麼 經過多年以後 風乾地傷口 心痛依舊

Jiang Yu Heng -- Many Years Later

Give me a piece of quiet corner, avoid all the eyes from others
Loneliness is my excuse

So many years of drifting life, seeing so many different faces
Want to settle down but could not fine a reason

Why? So many years later, can't escape from all the wrong doing
Why? So many years later, give and take, so cruel

I do not to be alone, not intentionally
Who can I speak too?

I simply want a piece of simple and pure space
Don't want to feel alone

Why? So many years later, all the love and hate can't be relieved
Why? So many years later, my dried up wound is stil hurting
All these days passing by, I am no longer like the yesterday
Maybe I will face a lot more tomorrow
Each quiet night, I touch my hands covered by wounds
Struggle to release my feeling

Why? So many years later, can't escape from all the wrong doing
Why? So many years later, give and take, so cruel
Why? So many years later, all the love and hate can't be relieved
Why? So many years later, my dried up wound is stil hurting










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Re: 多年以後
2012/11/04 09:00



為什麼 多年以後 仍無法忘記當年的對與錯.

因緣如此 再回首 只好跟往事乾杯.