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2009/03/29 23:56:21瀏覽1193|回應0|推薦16 | |
前文請見: 【 t-butyllithium、香消玉殞--此等悲劇能否避免?(一)】 【 t-butyllithium、香消玉殞--此等悲劇能否避免?(二)】 實驗室裡所發生的悲劇皆可避免. 前已言之,事後檢討,發現 Sheri 並未受過安全訓練.缺乏訓練的結果,導致 Sheri 犯了致命的錯誤. 因為缺乏訓練,Sheri 不知如何運用極其危險、一洩即燃的藥品. 因為缺乏訓練,Sheri 於出事時,不知奔向緊急淋浴裝置,竟然朝反方向跑去. 下面摘錄兩則新聞報導: "The response afterward is probably most responsible for her death," Phifer said. "The fact that she immediately turned away from the shower and went in the opposite direction is a problem. It means that she wasn't properly trained in what to do in the event she caught fire." "He said when he got there Sheri was sitting with her arms outstretched in front of her and someone was throwing water at her from a sink," said Naveen, who spoke with Harran later at the hospital. That account squares with the UCLA accident report. 意外發生後,真是分秒必爭,差一秒可能就有性命之虞.若像 Sheri 這般,身上著火,得即刻跑到緊急淋浴裝置之下沖水滅火(見上圖.一拉圖中的拉手,水即傾盆而下). 緊急淋浴設備不同於家中的淋浴設備,觀念切勿混淆.家中的淋浴設備是洗澡用的,慢洗慢淋沒關係.緊急淋浴設備是用來將身上的化學物品沖掉,時間很重要,裝設時要考慮如何任人快速使用.緊急淋浴裝置要設在空曠處,最好是從四方都可接近,不要建成像家中的淋浴設施一般,居然有一扇門,可以關起來沖.開門關門要花時間,分秒必爭時,門就免了. 曾在網上見到台灣某實驗室的學生說道,他們實驗室的緊急淋浴裝置竟然真的像家中的淋浴設備一樣,設在一小隔間裡,有一扇門可以關起來,以免「春光外洩」,真是無言. 【圖二及三】:緊急洗眼設備. |
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