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2014/01/13 22:47:48瀏覽1563|回應19|推薦158 | |
女兒的心聲 【壯年聽雨客舟中,江闊雲低,斷雁叫西風。蔣捷〜虞美人】這正是我中年移民生活的心情寫照, 當時的我們,就像過江的卒子,放棄了家鄉的一切,連根拔起,離鄉背井,遠渡重洋,沒有回頭路,正如離群的孤雁,望著茫茫的江水和黯淡的雲天,在西風中悲鳴。當年移民是因為兒子的健康出了狀況 ,為了能讓他有更好的生活條件,與輕鬆的讀書環境 ,才做了如此重大的抉擇。 雖然我和先生放棄了理想的工作,從新開始,在海外為安身立命而奔波,但是為了孩子我們無怨無悔。而今看著孩子們健健康康的長大成人 ,都能獨立自主,有理想的工作,生活優渥 ,証明了當初的抉擇是對的。 去年搬家在整理文件時,無意間看到女兒多年前,在申請大學時寫的短文,讓我既心疼又欣慰,更讓我肯定當初移民的抉擇是對的。以下是女兒寫的原文中的一部分,以及我的翻譯: 她寫道: 【回顧過去八年中,我的學習成果,讓我驚訝、也很慶幸,在我想放棄的時候,我堅持了下來。 在我小學四年級的時候,從臺灣來到了美國,當時,我從未學過英文,並且對於即將面臨的是什麼樣的環境,完全不能預料,我很害怕,坦白的說,我是非常憂懼這未知的局面。然而,我克服了我的疑惑與恐懼感,而且堅定的面對我周圍環境的改變,並積極的去調適。 在最初的兩年裡,因為語言的不通、不同的習俗與規則,非常的困難,不論是心理還是精神上,都讓我感到筋疲力竭,導致我有許多次想放棄了,不過,非常幸運的,我有一個充滿愛與溫暖的家庭,更幸運的是我遇到一位非常了不起的女老師,她幫助我,發現自己的潛力並超越了它,我承諾要克服我所面對的挑戰,我相信我成功的做到了。 現在我來到這個國家已經八年了,回顧既往,我想移民到這裡,是目前為止在我人生際遇中最好的一件事。我經歷過的所有的困難與挑戰,給了我許多的勇氣去面對我的未來,也讓我成熟,並且了解、明白在我的人生想要實現的是什麼。 我想,我在克服語言的障礙和學習應付陌生環境所得到的體驗,對我的大學生活以及未來的人生會有很大的助益,我學英文從起點開始,讓我養成好的學習動力與習慣,也讓我懂得了,在未來人生中,必須努力以赴,才能成功的道理,在學習過程中,我不但發現了自己的潛力,並且超越了它,我以自己所有的成果為榮。】 I look back in amazement with all that I have accomplished in the last eight years, and I am thankful for all the times I could’ve given up but didn’t . I came to the United States from Taiwan when I was in fourth grade. I hadn’t learned a word of the English language, and I didn’t have the slightest idea about what to expect from this new and unpredictable environment. I was scared out of my mind and was, frankly, very apprehensive about the situation I was placed in. However, I fought back my uncertainty and fear, and was determined to adjust to the changes that took place around me. It was extremely difficult for the first two years, because of the language barrier, and different customs and rules. I was exhausted both mentally and emotionally, and was ready to quit many times. But, I was blessed with a very loving family, and was lucky enough to meet a remarkable woman and teacher who helped me discover my potential to excel. I was committed to overcome the challenges I was faced with, and I believe I have succeeded. It has now been eight years since I first came to this country, and looking back in retrospect, I think moving here was the best thing that has happened to me so far. All the difficulties and challenges have given me an enormous amount of courage to face my future, and it has helped me mature and understand what I want to accomplish with my life. I think the experience that I have acquired while breaking down the language barrier and learning to cope with an entirely new environment will be very helpful to me in college and beyond. I have developed good work and study habits from learning the English language from scratch and, thus, know how hard one has to work to succeed in life. I have discovered my potential to excel, and I am very proud of myself for the things that I have achieved. 從上面的內容,我們可以了解,換一個完全陌生的生活環境,不只是成年人才會有適應與妥協的問題,小孩子也一樣要面對挑戰、會感到恐懼,有許多家長把小孩送到國外做小留學生,寄養在別人家裡,或者住校,出發點是為孩子著想,但卻不知道是非常殘忍、危險的作法。除非全家移民,讓孩子在面對挑戰的同時,有一個溫暖的家和關懷的父母做後盾。
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