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web game in china-overbearing
2010/02/02 16:45:39瀏覽661|回應0|推薦0

they called merge operation to close players account and customer was forced to use a new system to paly old game form first step.this  is a big news for global web game player.

the most players should lost a huge money to play the game and they never knew why web comany did a such terrible opperation to treat his customers.

this case never happened in free country so you have to think about the result if you have chance to face same case in china.

we test one china web  of game to find some issues that were you need more time and money increat to the game and following game operation to play and you can't over the schedule to quick creat your game otherwise you waste a huge money.

all china web game as like primer school system  when they find  new game in taiwan so a lot die account in they game.

they use one terrible operation to treat customer we called overbearing so watching the future it will happen a lot interest things in future.

( 休閒生活生活情報 )
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