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idiot equal stupid add dumb
2009/11/08 09:35:23瀏覽648|回應0|推薦4

you are a totally perfect juggins if you believe what politician said .

they all for self only that  is a way to survive reason and an rule for politican  indeed.

as like people never care what they had done because they were felt that was a simple case for they.

we are force to tust and to respect people who was a criminal before because we call that people is renew person.

we agree some criminal that they need our support but some person we must kick they out that peoople is rapist.

so what is the system to tust renew person who changed already. we must repect people who has good mind and head to creat his life on right way even they had black make in his life before.

so never trust what politican said you will got answer after vote.

( 休閒生活生活情報 )
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