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2008/11/14 00:30:31瀏覽389|回應0|推薦3

why our child need to do a lot exam everyday? what for?

we don't understand why governent still use a old system to kill our child future.

the whole environment seem go back  to 19 century so we don't  need to do any revolution to try change something.

we saw a lot speech that  mentioned our child fture was killed by old education system but government without any action plan to improve the questions.

it will change our kid future if government extend to 12 years for our education system otherwise our child still without any hope.

new government need to know the issues and to try saving our economy issues and don't close door as like to isolate this small land again.

we don't have any know how about the globle information even we don't have chance to contact globle source because our old education system issues.

we still see nothing in current situation because taiwan politician still fight eachother so they don't have time  to fix taiwan economy issues. 

we will face the conomy issues within this 3 years so what can we do? where you kid be able to find the job?

most taiwan people know nothing about globle situation and they never know to move europe is more value to USA.

for whole market operation in europe is more smooth to compare with USA so for market risk people have to change something and it will save you cost.

china is belong lowest  and poorly market so you need a longterm plan to run. did you check the value for foreigner invest in china?

why china government release a lot money to save the market? did you check  which level is going to face next economy problem.did you study how many manufactory that will face to close the whole operation?

why people say the whole economy issues are just begin not ending so to watch.

( 休閒生活生活情報 )
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