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AS a horse
2008/04/30 20:44:37瀏覽348|回應0|推薦4

As a horse

Mute, donkey and horse are same blood but they are used differ by people.

We saw a lot AD that included sale man, represent and discount operation on news-paper or media every day.

It is not a right operation in the current business; it was an old operation to create the business and it never to help you to create your business.

Market control is the first priority work in your business but how????

What does the purpose to run your business? Money or.....

What does your issues before? Employee or…..

Did you concern your business operation? System or…..

What does the operation for your business? High pay or…..

Which system may create your business? AD or…..

What does the market issues? General operation or….

Did you check the market operation? Consumer or…..

What can you do if you still not understood the whole thing? Market or…..

( 休閒生活生活情報 )
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