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think about part 3
2011/01/10 01:34:54瀏覽398|回應0|推薦1

hardly work is first priority thing to run in your job.

everything as same result if you pay more at start.

something you may learn to study by youself but it will waste  a lot time but it would save you time if someone help you.

i alway learn with tacher first and i will use time to study more to find what we need.

i will give my experience to all when i saw they did the wrong thing and i usually have a training plan each month for close training.

it is no ending for learn something in our daily job so i told our people that they must learn more because it will help you when you want to change your job.

i never worried i will lose job one day because i am a know how tool in this line so high salary is my target.

trying do a employee and never think you could be a boss.

( 休閒生活生活情報 )
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