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2018/03/26 05:47:56瀏覽3096|回應2|推薦22 | |
台灣前途的啟示2 (加拿大 新加坡) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 上帝對每一個人,每一個族群,每一個國家都有心意。因此,祂都有考題。我們來回顧: 加拿大,和新加坡, 看一看上帝、祂有什麼啟示有什麼祝福。因為上帝 : * ***** * * * * * 從一本造萬族! * * * * * ***** * 義人所堅持的大義之舉、經惡者攪局後還是得勝,方才更顯珍貴! * ***** * * * * * 加拿大 加拿大是一個移民國家,人口至今只有三千多萬的國民。然而加拿大能夠列席在全球八大工業國家集團之中,上帝肯定對加拿大有祝福。 加拿大的立國與美國相似,但是他們沒有採取美國激烈的獨立手段,他們也沒有採取美國單一民族(Melting Pot)的手段。加拿大至今仍是大英國協的成員,英國女皇仍舊是加拿大國家的最高元首。 在一個北方寒冷地廣人稀的國家,土地與中國及美國一樣的廣大,人口卻只有中國的四十分之一,美國的十分之一。他們是怎麼辦到的,確實值得我們多來探討。 天啓的卓越 加拿大出了一位世界級卓越的政治家,就是一九七十年代和一九八零年代長期擔任總理的杜魯道(PIERRE TRUDEAU)。杜魯道是一位基督徒,一九四十年代在二次世界大戰期間,他曾就讀美國哈佛大學法學院。他的畢業論文就是 ”共產主義與基督教義的比較 ”。 當時他就發現學校的教育極其有限,然而為躲避第二次世界大戰軸心國的法西施主義,許多歐洲優秀的讀書人逃避戰禍來到哈佛就學,就此開闊了他的國際視野,並且看重寧靜革命(Quiet Revolution)的威力。他自已先贏得了上帝的祝福!(後註:他的公子小杜魯道也蒙上帝祝福、在上次的大選中擊敗哈柏總理成為了加拿大的新總理。) 基督徒杜魯道 當上帝抬舉杜魯道從加拿大的地方政治舞台進入國家權力中樞,他就發表: 多元文化政策,以移民立國! 他的概念就是把整個加拿大看作是一個小地球的聯合國,並按照這個理想來建立這一個偉大的國家。 這個政策是世界有史以來第一個國家採用的政策,使他成為世界政治史上的一代政治領袖。他故此使加拿大全國國民贏得了上帝的祝福! 以加拿大為聯合國的聯合民族 加拿大的移民從非洲的黑人,中東的阿拉伯人,到亞洲的黃種人,以及歐洲的白種人,各種民族加拿大都歡迎他們移民。杜魯道也說服國民支持修改憲法,使所有的移民都能夠保留他們的文化,並且將這文化的豐富視為加拿大的資產。 這一個天上來的智慧,使地廣人稀的加拿大在過去四十年間大量接受了湧入來自各國的移民一千多萬,一起來共同建設他們自己的家園。 形成並造就這些移民的下一代,不只能夠在加拿大當地為國家的建設發展來努力,他們也能夠回到他們移民前的國家,來協助發展雙邊商業與貿易機會。他們持續贏得了上帝的祝福! 上帝祝福天恩客的移民之旅 天恩客由台灣移民新加坡、次移民美國、再移民加拿大。 新加坡 少年李光耀的兩個大哉問 新加坡李光耀十四歲, 還是初中學生的時候,正值日本侵略佔領了新加坡。一天他上學走過橋,在橋邊看見兩個被日軍殺害的華人義勇軍的頭顱就掛在樹上。上帝對他有啟示,所以他就不害怕。他只問老天一個問題,誰有權力取另外一個人的性命。 當他長大在英國劍橋大學就讀法律系的時候,他看見共產主義的興起,及逐漸的走入泡沫。他沒有迷惑,他只問上天一個問題,就是在共產主義底下生活的人,是不是人有權力聘僱另外一個人,如果能,共產主義就不叫共產主義,這個主義必定會滅亡。他生命的通透贏得了上帝的祝福! 廉潔執政 六十年代當李光耀因為廉潔而執政的時候,美國國務院用一千萬美金收買他,並以國務院署名的正式信函作為保證。李光耀不為所動,仍舊每一天努力的為新加坡的好處而奮鬥。他贏得美國高傲白人政權的敬重!他贏得了上帝的祝福! 種族屠殺 六十年代後期,馬來西亞聯邦中的馬來人與華人發生種族屠殺,馬來西亞政府強迫新加坡島獨立,意思是要讓新加坡及新加坡的華人滅亡!但此時,李光耀灑淚勇敢的接受了。 以弱勝強 分家之時,無天然資源,連水源也不夠!以大欺小等待新加坡滅亡的馬來大族,四十年後新加坡立上了東南亞舞台的正中央,同等幣值的原馬幣、三元馬幣貶值了,才能換來一元新幣。新加坡人贏得了上帝的祝福! 以部長為直銷推銷員 七十年代新加坡極其貧窮,李光耀要求他自己與所有的部長們在週末政府公務員不上班的時候,輪流在新加坡的港口招商,只要看到歐美有豪華遊艇駛入新加坡海港,他們都會拜訪遊艇的主人,是不是願意在新加坡投資個五萬或十萬美金。 今天的新加坡、每一年的外國人投資都已經有一百億美金左右的規模了。建國一代的愛民志士,使新加坡贏得了上帝的祝福! 全球禮賢下士 李光耀也禮賢下士,五十年前有一個荷蘭的大學教授被其誠意感動,告訴他一個大秘密,就是外匯的交易會自由化。 每一天二十四小時,每時每刻應該有不間斷的外匯交易來規避風險。然而紐約的外匯交易中心交易八小時收盤後,正巧可由倫敦外匯交易中心來接手另外八小時。但是倫敦外匯交易中心收盤後,卻沒有另外一個外匯交易中心可以接手,以致於全球的外匯交易約有十個小時的空窗期,無法交易避險。 為此機會,李光耀勇敢的接受了,就此打造了新加坡成為世界前三大的外匯交易中心。其外匯的交易量每天有數千億美金,遠大過日本,也是台灣每天外匯交易量的數百倍。李光耀愛新加坡百姓的心,贏得了上帝對新加坡人的祝福! 有效建立世界最早的主權基金之一 七十年代末期的第二次世界性的能源危機,李光耀所主持的新加坡投資局看見了機會。 資本額五十億美金集合全國精英人才的投資集團,精準並且大膽的在1979年全球能源危機之時在全世界收購債券。 短短的三年,五十億美金的資本額因為鉅額的獲利,增加了九百五十億美金而達到驚人的一千億美金。努力了三十年之後,現在新加坡的主權基金超過美金三千億元,目前淡馬錫主權基金,正在全世界進行成熟的投資當中。他們使新加坡贏得了上帝的祝福! 宏觀市場的規模自己建立 李光耀也多次調整人口政策,其終極目的是使新加坡擁有一千萬國民,目前大約六百五十萬國民。這一個人數是一個比較好的市場經濟規模的模型,大概與香港人口及瑞士人口相差不遠。 而他規劃的非常完善,這六百萬人口只用到國土七百平方公里的十分之一,就是七十平方公里而已。他們贏得了上帝的祝福! 台灣呢 所以按照新加坡這樣的一個比例,台灣的國土可以擁有三億六千萬的國民,就是美國今天的市場規模! 移民社會 目前,新加坡正在招攬具有華族血統的移民,當然包括中國大陸的移民。這一個開闊的胸襟,也為他們贏得數百家的中國企業在新加坡股票上市成功,新加坡最終將成為中國企業從亞洲要登陸歐洲的跳板,國家經濟成長機會驚人。新加坡的國力已經達到台灣的七成。他們贏得了上帝的祝福! 軍事政策 為防止區域強權的侵略,九十年代末期新加坡也把它的空軍駐紮在澳大利亞以及美國,國家有難的時候,空軍才回返救援。 李光耀也為著新加坡的利益,邀請美國海軍駐軍在新加坡,並允許美軍在大士港建立補給中心。這一個動作,使美軍可以輕易的控制麻六甲海峽,這個海峽是日本以及中國所輸入石油的油槽船必須經過的海道。近年,又允許印度洋強權海軍在大士港建立補給中心,來平衡中國的霸權勢力! 這一個政治利益,對台灣來講是一個大利多,不致使中國及日本過度的囂張。他們贏得了上帝的祝福! Canada's Multicultural Policies When the Liberal government, under Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau, announced in 1971 that Canada would be following a Multiculturalism Policy, it was the first national government in the world to do so. The government wanted to help immigrant Canadians retain their culture and therefore helped set up cultural organizations. The government also established associations to help immigrants settle in Canada and to become active citizens. Section 27 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms stated that courts needed to make decisions “in a manner consistent with the preservation and enhancement of the multicultural heritage of Canada.” In this way, Canada became a constitutional, multicultural state. Canada’s Multiculturalism Act was passed in 1988. It legally established Canada’s multicultural policy and: • officially recognizes the importance of Canada’s multicultural heritage and states that the heritage must be preserved and promoted; • recognizes the rights of Aboriginal peoples in Canada; • states that while English and French remain the only official languages of Canada, other languages can be spoken; • states that all Canadian citizens have equal rights, regardless of any differences they might have and regardless of skin colour, religion, country of birth, ethnic background, etc.; and • recognizes the right of ethnic, linguistic, and religious minorities to keep their cultures, languages, and religious practices. Benefits of Canadian Multiculturalism Canada is a country of immigrants; therefore, it is important that Canada be recognized as a multicultural state. Even some of the very first people in Canada were immigrants who came across the Bering Straight from what is present-day Russia. These first immigrants evolved over time, separated into distinct groups, and became today’s Aboriginal peoples. Each group also developed its own distinct culture. As more immigrants began arriving in Canada, they too brought their own traditions, all of which were added to the mosaic. In the 21st century, approximately 200,000 immigrants come to Canada each year. All of these people bring their own language, culture, and religion with them to Canada. As a result, Canadian culture is a mosaic composed of all the different cultures in Canada. As the groups settle into Canada, their culture changes to become a completely new culture, such as Chinese-Canadian, Icelandic-Canadian, or Mennonite-Canadian. These new cultures are also added to the mosaic. It is Canada’s commitment and recognition of multiculturalism that act as the glue that holds the mosaic together and unifies it into a whole, cohesive country — namely, Canada. Canada’s policy of multiculturalism makes it a favourite destination for immigrants. They can keep their pride in their ancestry while simultaneously having a sense of belonging to Canada. The 1988 Canadian Multiculturalism Act and the 1982 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms ensure that all Canadian citizens are equal and have equal rights to freedom of thought, belief, and religion as well as equal treatment before and under the law. Canada’s multicultural nature has given it many advantages. Most simply, it add variety to the daily life of all Canadian citizens. They have a wealth of different ethnic foods to sample, cultures to experience, and music to listen to. Canadians are also exposed to different religious practices and different core values and beliefs. This exposure to diversity helps Canadians become more tolerant of different kinds of people. Being aware of the values of different groups also helps individuals understand why people are motivated to act as they do. Knowing more about a variety of groups can help people dispel the racist ideas that are still circulating today. Once a person knows people of different ethnic groups, he does not believe ethnic stereotypes as easily. People may realize that each separate group is composed of individuals who are essentially just human beings like themselves. The differences in skin colour, religion, or food practices do not affect the personalities of members of the group. As more people are exposed to and begin to understand different cultures, they are less likely to become xenophobic (fearful of outsiders or strangers). More efficient plane travel and advances in communication technology are making it easier for people from all around the globe to interact with one another. There is a huge increase in information sharing. Researchers working on the same topic in different countries can share information and many businesses have branches all around the world. Canada’s multicultural nature is a huge asset in the international sphere. Many immigrants may have kept up contacts in their country of origin and can therefore continue doing business with them. Researchers in Canada may have established a network in their country of origin with other people working in their field. When they come to Canada, immigrants can maintain their old contacts while forming new ones. They are therefore able to share more information and research with more people. Many Canadians speak another language as well as English or French. This is also important when dealing internationally. More people are available to act as translators or simply to conduct business. Having people from all over the world in Canada also gives Canadians multiple perspectives on issues. Exposure at home to different beliefs and religions may make Canadians more prepared to try to understand and accommodate other people’s culture, traditions, and concerns. Canadians make an important effort to prevent conflict in their nation. As a result, they are prepared to support peacekeeping initiatives elsewhere. Canadian diplomacy is also helped by multiculturalism. Not only do people speak more languages, but they are also more willing and practised at listening to another person’s or group’s point of view. The Canadian government is committed to its policy of multiculturalism and is attempting not to be hypocritical (saying one thing and doing another). The Canadian government is therefore apologizing and trying to redress racist policies of the past. While the past cannot be changed, these actions show that the government today is dedicated to multiculturalism. The most recent apology was made June 22, 2006 when Prime Minister Stephen Harper apologized for imposing a head tax on Chinese immigrants at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. The government plans to make a symbolic payment to the surviving people who paid the head tax and to the spouses of deceased Chinese immigrants who paid the head tax. The government also plans to set up a program to fund projects that will investigate immigration restrictions and other discriminatory government measures. |
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