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L1 Paragraph Structure段落結構
節摘自Categories for evaluating writing J. D. Brown, 1991
D. 段落的架構 Paragraph Structure
一個英文的段落是ㄧ些句子的組合,這個組合表達一個主旨。段落本身 是完整的,也可能同時為文章中的一部份。
2. 段落的外觀 What does a paragraph look like on the page? 段落的開頭要留幾個空格,叫縮格(indentation),用來表示段落的開始。 3. 段落與文章的不同 What is the difference between a paragraph and an essay? 段落是文章的一部份,幾個句子組合成段落,幾個段落組合成一篇文章。
4. 段落的長度 How long is a paragraph? 段落不能太長也不能太短,約為八到十二句。不應短到無法充分解釋主旨,也不能長到包含了很多個次主題,後者則應分幾個段落來寫。
5. 段落的組織 How is a paragraph organized or developed? 所有的段落都有一個基本的目標,就是要清楚地,有效地傳達一個主旨。 在任何段落裡都應該具有下列要點
段落應該有連貫性與一致性。連貫性指的是段落應該是有邏輯性的安排 與連接。一致性指的是連接的部份應該是很流暢的。
段落應該適當地發展。大部份的段落都有三個基本部份。一個開始,一個 中間,跟一個結束。也就是前言,討論,跟結論。前言跟結論會是相似的。 SUMMARY總結
Your paragraph will be clear and enjoyable to read if you follow the directions summed up here. First, remember to indent the paragraph—once only! Second, remember that the paragraph should be neither too short nor too long; make it approximately eight to twelve sentences in length. Third and most important, organize and develop your paragraph carefully. Remember that the paragraph should contain one central idea only, that it should have unity, coherence, continuity, and adequate development. If you follow these directions, your paragraph should be as good as or better than this one.
Writing the paragraph and the short composition Fifth Edition Kathleen E. Sullivan
E. 段落的三個部份
F. 翻譯練習 中譯英說明:請將下列的一段中文翻譯成通順、達意且前後連貫的英文。
__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ 答案: F 中譯英
When I was a child, my neighbor, John, and I went to the same school. At that time, we often played basketball and spent a lot of happy time together. After graduation, he moved abroad with his family, and we have lost contact with each other since then.
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