sounds sad, huh?
well, what happens to him? he travels for job or what? if for job, I have a big question for you and for you:
question: if he travels so much and sacrifces so much, does he make good money? does he posseses good position at work?
If Yes, that's his choice.
If No, what hell is he doing?
Secondly, communication....this is 21st century....there are 299 ways to communicate between what are crying for?
This is 21st have email. Yahoo IM, mobile phones, blog, SMS, VOIP, NetMeeting, videotelephny, what have you....what are you crying for? are you crying for physical contact? or are you crying eye-to-eye staring or heart-to-heart exchange?
This is NOT 1973 or email, no blog, no beeper, no iPhone, nothing at all.....
This is NOT 1958........not 1964.....ok?
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