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Voice Of The Future→→→→ 未來世界之聲 - 須有清靈的心理去接受2009/12/19
2009/12/19 08:33:50瀏覽541|回應2|推薦3

2009-12-19  A495CnEn - 未來世界之聲VoiceOfTheFuture        Replace A439&401.

External Link ~~謝謝你【請按這裡-1-  -2-   -3-   -4-   -5- ~~

(1). My forum: https://city.udn.com/61613/forum     (4). Relay Story: http://blog.udn.com/JC00 

(2). My blog: http://blog.udn.com/jcwang00/article  (3). It's fun: http://blog.udn.com/jctheoldman 

------ JCW. 2009/12/01. Copyright. jcwang00@yahoo.com  POBox 29--148, Taiwan 116 ------ 

我為了『未來世界的政治主張』在十五個月裡寫了將近五百篇稿子;其實,只要看下面四篇就可以看到它的大意I have written some 500 articles in past 15 months for advocatingPolitics for the Future; the essence is in but four articles listed elow………

第一篇A495CnEn-未來世界之聲Voice Of the Future2009-12/01說的是八項主旨、和其他三篇用來支持其中三大全新理論和方法的說明。Eight majour points are given in this part.

第二篇A402en-PMPES派姆派斯20090925JCW』說明未來世界應該採用的經濟策略PMPES (後現代主義的政治經濟社會主義) 並非馬克斯共產理論裡所說的社會主義(並非一般資料所記載的社會主義)Post Modernism Political Economic Socialism PMPES is to be recommended for the FuturePMPES is not Marx's socialism.

第三篇A386-找到了-政治架構三分制「PM管理的研究』說明未來世界應該採用的 "計劃、監控、執行三分制政治架構" 並非言之無由的杜撰方式。有一九六九年創立、一九九九年ANSI認定為SDO的專案管理協會 (PMI) 在專事研究為証。TRIPOD politic structure is introduced. It applies PMI (ANSI SDO) Project Management techniques on governance.

第四篇A425-未來世界人民要如何組織起來』說的是未來世界要如何建立它整年日夜無休替全民保障民權、代行政權的常務人民代表機構 "民權中心"This tells how people in the Future should have their Civil Rights Center be organized.

『未來』是指估計五代以後的將來;人類文明晉階一代(Generation)25年,所以『未來』是指距今125年後的將來。 The Future is expected to come 5 generations (125 years/generation) from now.

『未來世界的政治主張』是一套完全不同於我人迄今所謂民主政治的主張。除了上述四篇之外,其餘就旨在轉移我人今之政治文化到『未來』應有的水準。我人必須破除成見才可以有清靈的心理去接受『未來世界的政治主張』。『Politics for the Futureis a brand new political idea based on true representative democracy and Project Management for governance.

這是在我心中起伏六十多年的政治理想(Replace A401en-)

  This is my political idea that has been in my mind for more than 60 years

     And, it is a global project to my idea.在我心目中,它是個全球計劃。

未 來 世 界 的 政 治 主 張

Politics for the Future


    * If it meets your approval, please tell your friends. *

內 容 概 要 Extract 

* 我在試圖用最少的字句、告所您、在我心中起伏六十多年的政治理想。I am trying to brief my political idea that has been in my mind for more than 60 years.

* 我要寫的不可能寫得有血有淚、聲色俱佳、千變萬化、纏綿悱惻;它不會使您又喜又悲、如痴如狂;祗因為它不是言情小說或偵探故事;它說的是政治理想。This article tells nothing but my political idea, it is not a comedy for entertaining.

* 假使您願意回頭過六O年代、大陸三反五反、遊街公審、勞改下放、清算鬥爭、吃人民食堂大鍋飯的熱鬧日子,您不必看我這篇文稿。If you would prefer the desperate life under cruel communist control years ago, you do not need to read this.

* 假使您在當前的財經風暴裡不覺得恐慌不安、不擔心明天和未來、不怕失業、您不必看我這篇文稿。If you did not feel upset in recent economic and financial crisis, you do not need to read this.

* 假使您不認為自古以來,不論政治的民主或不民主,統治者都旨在治民、而非愛民、您不必看我這篇文稿。If you did not think politics to date, either democratic or not, is for ruling rather for benefiting people, you do not need to read this.

* 假使您不認為在現在的民主政治環境裡、人民說是國家的主人、其實只是被沐而冠的猴子、您不必看我這篇文稿。If you did not agree that people in now-a-days democratic political environment are monkeys washed and dressed up, chained in the neck with the key in politicians' hands, you do not need to read this.

* 假使您不懂得什麼叫科學化管理、不要求工作效率和速度、您不必看我這篇文稿。If you were not familiar with principles of modern management practice, you do not need to read this.

未來世界的政治主張的簡要Essence of Politics for the Future】:------

[].  新三民主義:回復 "民有、民治、民享" 真實原意(中山先生譯文)伯拉罕‧林肯18631119Three People Principle - Of the people, by the people, for the peopleSimple English (Abraham Lincoln, 1863/11/19.).

[].  新五權憲法:監察原該是主人的權利,不容政府盜用。The New Five Rights Institution, recover the stolen people's right to control from the government.

* 人民有五政權:選舉、罷免、創制、複決、監控( "監察並控制")People have five political rights ("Civial Rights"): "Election", "Recall", "Initiative" , "Referendum" , and "Control-and-Supervision".

* 政府有三治權:行政、司法、國防。The government has three executive rights: "Administrative(Executive)", "Judicial", and "National Defense".

* 人民要成立民權中心、行使其基本權、包括上述五大政權;其中,從政府收回的 "監察權",亦稱 "監控" 乃指:(1).計劃執行前的審查,(2).計劃執行中的監督,以及(3).計劃執行完畢後的複核及追蹤The Civial Rights Center is to take care of people's political/civial rights Simple English given above in which, the "Control - and - Supervision" right includes all those beforeduringand after execution of routine as well as projected matters.

[].  新政治架構:依照二十世紀末新興的專案管理ProjectManagement技術(超連結)來實行『計劃(由民權中心付費個案委託黨派及私人機構辦理』、『監控(民權中心主持)』、『執行(民權中心聘僱政府官吏負責)』三分的管理制度。A new tripod political structure consists of three branches, namely: Planning(by political parties and private associations on assignments of Civial Rights Centeron case-by-case paid basis)』,『Control-and-Supervision (by People's Representatives in Civial Rights Center)』、『Executing (by the government, public servants). Refer to PMI for details.

[]. 人民行使政權的常務機構『民權中心』,議行兼顧地行使身為國家主人的人民五大政權。The standing Civial Rights Center takes care of people's civial as well as political rights, representing people: masters of the Nation.

[]. 黨派一律改制為營利法人股份無限公司,不再受國家和社會豢養。Political parties will be profit-seeking juridical persons in the form of unlimited-liablity stock companies, forbidden to be supported by government and/or private persons. 

* 國家不再出資豢養黨派;黨派不得再收受任何捐獻。黨派須改制為營利法人股份無限公司,接受民權中心和民間各界付費委託負責各種方案的研究及規劃,以它的智慧領政,並以盈利分享其 "黨員股東" "社會股東"。政黨必須以它自己服務能力養活自己,以它的智慧服務各界;黨派承民權中心付費委託、研究製作各種計劃供領政之需;黨派以它的營業實務替國家培養各職種的人材;黨派以它的營利業績考核人民對它的支持意願。The Nation will no more support political parties, in any form, any longer, while the later are neither permitted to accept any kind of financial support from any persons, natural or juridical, domestic or foreign. This is to force parties into capable of serving the Nation in all aspects, with their expertise and know-how in the fields of social as well as natural science, industril as well as business, and in personal training. Parties will then earn their own living, and they share profit with their share holders, partisan or not. The Civial Rights Center will, on case-by-case and paid basis, buy parties services for project study and planning.

[]. 摒棄絕對的共產主義及亳無節制的資本主義Give up exclusive communism and unrestricted (laissez-faire) capitalism………

* 行使該兩個極端之間、有活動餘地的PMPES經濟政策(超連結),迎接世界性的 "第三次工業革命(超連結)" "廣義機器人自動化" 無鈔社會 (Cashless Society)(超連結)財金管理制度。The Nation will take PMPES Socialism as its political economic policy to proceed into the 3rd industrial revolution as well as the cashless society under robot-automation (Robot: broad sense).

[]. 未來世界需要的政治經濟政策、只要一句話就說明了It is easy to tell what is the political economic policy for the Future------


  Carl Marx, the founder of communism, predicted

To begin with        in transition            the goal


"未來世界的政治" 主張採用PMPES社會主義

   The Future with PMPES Socialism

()  ||| <----------P(可能修正的範圍) ---------> |||  ()

[]  * = 共產主義Communism

        * P = 派姆派斯PMPES

              * = 資本主義 Capitalism

           * |||<--- --->||| 是指永不達到的 "極端" "無節制"

                    These two extremes will never be reached (PMPES will not permit).

[].  共存為道德基準(超連結1) (超連結2),使我人能以智慧控制人性Take coexistence as the basis of morality so that human nature will be under effective self control

* 圓桌會議精神(超連結)使人民、公僕、黨職三種族群合作無間為國為民努力,

People, public servants and partisans will cordially cooperate in the spirit of "Round Table Knights".

* 藉和平手段走向天下一家、世界大同的終極目標:世界聯邦。

The World will go into utopia in peace.

~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~

以上主張應屬切實可行之事;其障礙則是傳統,即我人類先祖一脈傳承下來的文化病毒 "原錯"。尚待我們大家知須悔改、奮起參與為壓垮駱駝的最後一束草,來擊敗它。只要大家能即時起而行,開始為共有、共享的未來努力,奮鬥就永不為遲。  有關本文的拙作共有四百餘件。請點選下列超連結選閱。敬請指教。The above is practically feasible, the barrier could be those civilization virus existing in the common sea of society of people. Since we all know by now our mistakes prevailing in the current World, we should be able to overcome them to win. The Future is ours. My articles of the subject are posted on-line at:

(A). My forum: https://city.udn.com/61613/forum

(B). My blog: http://blog.udn.com/jcwang00/article

(C). It's fun: http://blog.udn.com/jctheoldman

(D). Relay Story: http://blog.udn.com/JC00

(E). Yahoo搜尋 "jcwang00" "未來世界的政治主張"

Do your Yahoo Search for jcwang00" or the subject.

* 歡迎批評指教 Your comments are welcome-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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======  * * *  End  Of  File  * * *  ====== 

( 時事評論政治 )
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2009/12/30 13:27
字體混用太多 頭暈了
王老頭(jcwang00) 於 2009-12-30 21:41 回覆:
多謝   頭暈可服仁丹   一笑   但那換用是因插入超連結所致   有壞處也有好處   將儘量改進    多謝指示

2009/12/26 16:50







王老頭(jcwang00) 於 2009-12-26 20:58 回覆:

多謝  多謝





A495CnEn →→→→ 未來世界之聲 - 須有清靈的心理