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20121221 -世界末日
2012/12/27 22:15:11瀏覽758|回應0|推薦37


度過了倒數計時(14:00台北時間) 馬上送出個email給在忙亂的荷蘭彼端:

Congratulations! We are all survived from the date of END of WORLD.

Merry Xmas & Happy New Year.


突發奇想的,以今年拍的一些照片當電子賀卡,寄給了一拖拉庫的客戶。也在此祝福各位久違的格友( 哈!是我偷懶,棄BLOG於不顧,瘋FB去了)


In the season of Maple Red,


Sincerely wish you a healthy life with peace


With blue sky & fruitful days


All the beautiful things come to you


Could be still in a changeable circumstance in the coming year


But, let’s be so strong to jump higher & higher


Climbing to top of another mountain


Finally, Johnson Chen is mailing his portray to you



Merry Xmas & Happy New Year



( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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