文章數:33 | |
晨晨的詩---蝴蝶 |
心情隨筆|心情日記 2021/11/06 13:41:40 |
這首詩是晨晨9歲時寫的詩,現在讀起來仍然讓媽媽感到驚艷不已 寫于:2014年12月3日 晨晨的詩---蝴蝶
飛啊!飛啊!蝴蝶 Yujen’s Impro Poem----Butterfly Fly Fly butterfly Don’t let the master catch you If he does…… too BAD This is what you go through the breaking of wings the seeing of the dead The part how new wings grow by ? They grow by pencils and markers This is what you will look like…..
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