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2006/08/10 14:47:40瀏覽281|回應0|推薦5

在市區晃到10點多 走回i詢問今天的交通 

下了S2 DACHAU站 轉搭上一輛擠爆的公車 (好熟悉的情況哦~)

參觀人潮不少 沖淡些許沉重的氣氛 四周聽到盡是德語 不知道 這一代的德國人

是抱持什麼樣的態度 來看待這一段難以磨滅的歷史.....

這理是德國境內第一座集中營 起初用來關政治犯 後來也收罪犯 猶太人....

空曠的營區 不少早已拆除 但仍可見當年的規模

站在廣場中間 想像當時每人每日必須"罰站"在此的情景(接受點名 常有人不支倒地)

滄海桑田 曾幾何時 這裡已不再是當年走不出去的集中營....


"I was now locked up in a dark cell for 14 days. It was horrible to be in complete darkness all alone. I starved for three days before on the fourth day I was given something to eat. I never knew the time, sometimes I almost went mad. To pass the time I told myself the story of my own life, I remembered my arrest, as I was denounced by my violin player; otherwise I softly sang all kinds of opera and operetta melodies, then popular hits, and I invented new melodies. And I constantly spoke, counted my steps (sitting was not permitted) from 10 to 5,000. Often I shook my head in sheer disbelief and asked myself whether I was still in my right mind."

<以政治犯的名義關進此地 據說有逃跑的計畫  因此須被鞭打50下

  外加被關上14天 >

上述資料參考自 DACHAU 官方網:


( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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