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呈現一幅浩瀚與湧動。洞口。 怎麼看? 

blissful bliss~

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2024/03/14 16:11
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-15 04:27 回覆:

2024/03/07 08:36


christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-07 09:10 回覆:
good to know~ :)

christina koo
2024/03/07 00:07
marching IN
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-20 09:08 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-20 09:31 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-13 14:47 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-13 09:40 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-12 12:00 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-12 11:37 回覆:
Olsen Olsen

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-13 03:54 回覆:

Great Tartary

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-12 01:49 回覆:
The eye-opener of the century
By Peter B. Meyer - 11 March, 2024

In a forthcoming article the true history will be enlightened to understand that only since the early 1800's planet Earth has been 1000 times more advanced than we humans are today!

The Tartars were a highly advanced civilisation known today as Great Tartaria. It disappeared from our history books less than a century ago. Its remains can still be seen everywhere. This civilisation mastered technologies more advanced than those of today.

They built beautiful, long-lasting structures with geopolymer concrete that was eternal and grew stronger with time. Their gigantic iron and glass structures, topped by domes and metal needles, were found on every continent.
Combined with mercury, they distributed free atmospheric energy to all. Their towers and stations are still in use today. Unfortunately, the technology of free energy from the ether was destroyed and "imprisoned", while the old technology was reintroduced, such as cables and wires to distribute energy and make handsome profits.

Hundreds of battles, revolutions and wars were fought throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, orchestrated by Western Europeans under the Anglo-Saxons, with the aim of finally destroying and plundering the heritage of Greater Tartary throughout the world.

This empire was then deliberately and carefully erased from new maps, written sources and even human memory by killing the scientist who knew better. Instead, countless false myths were created about despotic, narrow-minded Mongols or the Golden Horde.

But there is a time for everything, and the time of Tartary's damnation and oblivion is now over, and the time of its spectacular rebirth in a whole new form is upon us. We would be honoured to be a part of this great renaissance.


christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-12 05:48 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-12 05:51 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-12 05:46 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-18 15:04 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-18 14:57 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-18 14:27 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-20 00:43 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-20 00:44 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-20 00:45 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-18 14:21 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-19 08:54 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-19 08:57 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-19 04:28 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-19 04:08 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-19 04:24 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-19 12:13 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-19 11:58 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-15 04:51 回覆:

Daily Message for 3/14/2024

""Reality shifts as you shift your perception. Do you see chaos, or do you see different frequencies being experienced? Do you see lost souls, or do you see beings who have chosen their own paths? Do you see the destruction of the old, or simply the emerging of the new? ~Kejraj ""
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-15 06:33 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-04-08 15:08 回覆:

Great Tartary – 9th part

(episode 9)

In Mugalia, in the area between the source of the Amur River and the Sinskaya wall, many cities are depicted that were destroyed (as you can see on numerous maps). This land now has no cities, forts, or stone buildings. There is nothing but empty land. In Siberia in a number of places one can see the ruins of ancient walls and piles of rubble where large cities were apparently. There are also valuable monuments in them, from which it can be concluded that people with a high culture lived in these countries.

The mountain ranges: Alanus, Vorosus, Imaus, Sikhius, Belgian, Rifeus, Alkhas, etc., which were known in antiquity, are difficult to define today due to deliberate frequent name changes. The same applies to the names of rivers, for example: Tahmin, Uhardes, Margus, Koskar, Kossin, Sossa and many others, which were known in ancient times, can now be recognized only with some probability. A misconception held that the Caspian Sea connects to the Arctic Ocean via the Ob. Many of the cities the ancients spoke of are nowhere to be found. Either they were destroyed or the name was completely changed. For example, Arbam, Sema, Aybair, Sianfur, Naiman, Kantkorakur, and entire regions and peoples known from the earliest descriptions of the land are not now found under their old names. Many cities like Ung or Gog, Siorza, Kavona, Baida, Bargu and countless others are clearly located on old maps and descriptions.

Many ancient Siberian cities and villages were destroyed, but their remains have preserved their names, although there are almost no houses in them. Between Tobol and Astrakhan and between Astrakhan and Sina there are many rivers, lakes, roads and many other ruined cities and fortresses. If you go by boat on the river Indiga, opposite the island of Kolguev, near the Samoyeds living by the ocean, you will come to the city of Gorodishche, where several peoples, called Chuds, lived in the past and no longer exist. Only the walls of the ancient city remained. Since there are no permanent cities in the modern country of the Kalmaks, in the north, east or center of the country, it is likely that the Kalmak kings, who are said to have lived in cities, lived here.

Many places are named on the old maps and many states, regions, cities and rivers are mentioned in this area, near or between the Caspian Sea and Sino or Sina, which are unknown today and do not exist, even if accurately recorded. There is no doubt that incredible and powerful events took place here. Many cities and nations were destroyed and the names of others were changed. The northern part of the Imai Mountains, called Alkai, may be the small, now destroyed state of Altyn. Tartaria, got its name from the river Tartarus, which flowed from the land of Mughal and flowed into the Arctic Ocean. The Tyumen region fell under the Great Khan of Tartary, and the peoples who lived in the north were called Mekrit, Molgomsau, Badai and Samoyed and worshiped the Sun. Also, the famous trading town of Grustina, located on the river Ob, can no longer be found today.

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-18 12:50 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-18 12:54 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-18 13:15 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-15 12:29 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-18 13:21 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-18 13:24 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-16 04:33 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-16 13:52 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-16 11:22 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-16 16:30 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-16 15:57 回覆:
Cobra 2016訪談 Q&A Re: The New Atlantis 

EM: 利莫裡亞的揚升原型是什麼?
C: 天堂。
EM: 亞特蘭蒂斯的原型是什麼?
C: 光之文明。
EM: 新亞特蘭蒂斯的原型將會是什麼?
C: 在新地球上的新天堂。
EM: 第一源頭創造中央種族是基於什麼原型?
C: 神聖意志。
EM: 中央種族是我們的過去也是我們的未來,這意味著什麼?
C: 這暗示一個事實,我們在時間起始的時候從合一顯現出來,將會在時間終結的時候回到合一。
EM: 當7個光之部落家族重聚,這將會在物質層面和更高的層面如何顯化?
C: 新的亞特蘭蒂斯,在地球上的天堂。
EM: 7個揚升大師seven Kumaras來自7個光之部落,或者他們來自同一部落?
C: 他們代表造物13道存在之光中的頭7道光。
EM: 所有道法Logos的崇高意圖是什麼?
C: 轉化所有二元性並回歸到合一。

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-18 03:03 回覆:
" last snow and spring river hike...

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-18 11:47 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-18 11:43 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-17 03:59 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-17 14:13 回覆:

Saint Germain: Releasing Yourself From Illusion

"The way to reprogram your entire being is to connect more and more with your inner knowingness…that space of knowingness within your being…to bring it into your body/your aura/your emotions/your mind, to ask for its guidance and to sit in the space of your own inner knowingness.""

"" I AM my inner knowingness.""



christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-17 13:48 回覆:
portals, ley lines and vortexes
門戶, 地脈線與能量漩渦點

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-17 14:24 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-07 13:43 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-07 10:48 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-07 00:15 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-07 00:24 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-07 01:11 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-07 04:57 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-07 05:02 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-07 05:04 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-11 11:43 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-07 14:02 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-07 15:22 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-08 12:50 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-09 08:55 回覆:

Palazzo Barberini 


christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-09 07:27 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-09 07:28 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-09 07:33 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-09 08:06 回覆:

Palazzo Falconieri 法爾科涅里宮

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-09 09:20 回覆:


christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-09 09:13 回覆:

The Festivities in Honor of Queen Christina of Sweden in the Courtyard of Palazzo Barberini, 28 February 1656.
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-09 09:42 回覆:

New Atlantis

THE NEW ATLANTIS: Master Plan Of The Ages

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-09 09:42 回覆:
keep walking...................

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-09 12:13 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-09 14:08 回覆:

Villa Farnesina


christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-09 14:24 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-09 15:06 回覆:

In Rome's Regal period (753–509 BC), the area across the Tiber belonged to the Etruscans:

Etruscan civilization


Etruscan pendant with a large equilateral cross of concentric circles flanked by four small right-facing swastikas among its symbols from BolsenaItaly, 700–650 BC. Louvre

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-09 16:24 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-09 16:49 回覆:



christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-18 10:08 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-11 04:42 回覆:
The language of Creation

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-11 05:40 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-11 05:40 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-11 05:48 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-11 08:06 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-11 08:08 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-11 08:11 回覆:

christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-11 13:47 回覆:
28:49: In fact, in 50 BC, not only was the Colosseum not there, but much of the hill itself was actually leveled.
28:49:事實上,在西元前 50 年,不僅羅馬競技場不存在,而且大部分山丘本身也被夷為平地。


christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-11 15:52 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-21 00:02 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-21 00:10 回覆:
christina koo(jade2) 於 2024-03-21 11:03 回覆: