這部角川出品的日片當年首創主題曲採用英文,而詞曲作者John O’Banion己在今年情人節過後過世。在youtube網站搜尋這部片看到有人上傳此預告片,O’Banion的兒子謝謝上傳者讓他有機會看到由他父親作曲的電影.......
最出名的當然是那首抒情的Satomi Hakken-den,那時買的錄音帶我倒蠻喜歡另一首快節奏的White Light,也是八犬士騎馬趕去救公主的背景音樂。此網頁介紹他所出專輯,最有名的還是里見八犬傳原聲帶!
John O´Banion -
Hakkenshi´s Theme (White Light)
”Japan Only album”
The Tracks are: Body Heat, Turn Out The Light, We Can´t Go On, She´s The One, Satomi Hakken-den, She Dreams Of You, I Need Love, Techno Pheliac & We Can Dream.
Musicians on the Hakkenshi´s Theme (White Light) album: John O´Banion, Joey Carbone, Carlos Vega, Art Wood, Joe Pizullo, Bill Bodine and others.
Available from WEA Records Japan/Original release year: 1983