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------ 不明原因身體突然感到劇烈難受 ! I suddenly felt severe discomfort for unknown reasons ! 2024年1月22日那天我忽然很不舒服 家裡又沒人在所以趕快請里長來幫我送醫 約上午10點31分我打電話給里長 請里長來送我去醫院 我感覺很不舒服好像快死了 我心跳非常快整個身體在振動 因為我有腦動脈瘤 我以為我快要死了 里長很快來看我幫我叫救護車 醫院急診醫生看了之後 診斷是恐慌症 我沒寫完 我還要再想想 我還要回想 看能不能慢慢想起來 是有兩次被黑暗勢力攻擊嗎? 還是只有一次? 有的時候我想寫但是頭腦總是昏昏欲睡 感覺好疲倦好累 --- ----------- 我用谷歌翻譯來翻譯英文 I use Google Translate to translate English On January 22, 2024, I suddenly felt very uncomfortable There was no one at home, so I asked the Chief of Village to come and help me get to the doctor. At about 10:31 a.m. I called the village chief Please ask the head of the village to take me to the hospital I feel so sick I feel like Im dying My heart is beating so fast my whole body is vibrating Because I have a brain aneurysm. I thought I was going to die The village chief came to see me soon and called an ambulance for me. After the hospital emergency doctor saw Diagnosis: Panic Disorder I havent finished writing yet. I need to think about it again. I need to think back and see if I can remember it slowly. Were there two attacks by the dark forces? Or just one? Sometimes I want to write but my mind is always drowsy Feeling so tired and exhausted --------- Saturday, February 24, 2018 Directed Energy Weapons 2018年2月24日訊息 【定向能量武器】 https://www.golden-ages.org/2018/02/25/directed-energy-weapons/ They are used by the Cabal in their attacks towards the awakened part of human population: 陰謀集團利用定向能量武器攻擊覺醒的地表民眾 -- Introduction to Directed-Energy Weapons Their energy can pass through walls at distances of hundreds of meters or even miles. They are silent and offer plausible deniability of their use. In addition, they are scalable, which means a single weapon can be configured to produce a multitude of effects by adjusting its power or frequency. Some include tiredness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pains, convulsions, epileptic seizures, and temporary paralysis. Other effects include: vibration of internal organs, cooking of internal organs, cataracts, burning sensations, controlled heating of the entire body to produce hyperthermia or fever, headaches, and a loss of short-term memory or cognitive processes. They can even be tuned to cause death by cardiac arrest or cancer. This energy can be transmitted accurately for long distances (in some cases many miles). Some can pass through most unshielded structures with little difficulty. And their use is virtually undetectable by casual observation. 定向能武器簡介 http://www.newworldwar.org/dewintro.htm 它們的能量可以穿過數百公尺甚至數英里外的牆壁。 他們保持沉默,並對其使用給予合理的否認。 此外,它們具有可擴展性,這意味著可以透過調整 單一武器的功率或頻率來產生多種效果。 這些症狀包括疲倦、頭暈、噁心、嘔吐、 腹痛、抽搐、癲癇發作和暫時性癱瘓。 其他影響包括:內臟振動、內臟燒焦、白內障、灼熱感、 全身受控加熱導致體溫過高或發燒、 頭痛以及短期記憶或認知過程喪失。 它們甚至可以被調整為導致心臟驟停或癌症死亡。 這種能量可以精確地長距離傳輸 (在某些情況下可達數英里)。 有些可以毫無困難地穿過大多數非屏蔽結構。 透過不經意的觀察,它們的使用幾乎無法察覺。 -------------------- By attacking civilian targets, the perpetrators are violating the fourth Geneva convention and this constitutes a war crime: 陰謀集團針對平民百姓的攻擊行為已經違反日內瓦第四公約。 這種犯行已經構成戰爭罪: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_Geneva_Convention 譯註:日內瓦第四公約第三條規定 交戰國不得攻擊不參戰的平民或已經投降的軍人。 Perpetrators will be persecuted according to international civil and military law as soon as the planet is liberated. 這些犯下戰爭罪的罪犯會在地球解放之後 接受國際民法和軍事法庭的審判。 You can find a detailed list of intel resources about directed energy weapons here: 大家可以在這個網站找到關於定向能量武器的詳細情報清單: http://www.newworldwar.org/sources.htm#dewintro Weapons most frequently used in attacks against civilians are sonic lasers: 陰謀集團最常使用聲納雷射攻擊覺醒的地表民眾: https://www.cnet.com/news/sonic-lasers-a-shot-heard-round-the-world/ 譯註:聲納雷射是利用同調聲子產生頻率為太赫茲的聲波。 ---------------- These are usually not deadly, but still extremely unpleasant. 這種聲波武器通常不會致命,但是會讓被攻擊的對象感到極度不舒服。 -------- ---- More dangerous are electrolasers: 定向能量武器還有一種更危險的電子雷射武器: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrolaser https://www.army.mil/article/82262/ 譯註:電子雷射是一種會導致肌肉或神經失常的電擊武器。 They are used to trigger cardiac arrest (heart failure) and kill the target, those targets often being holistic doctors: 這種武器會引發心臟衰竭進而殺死目標。 陰謀集團經常利用這種武器謀害自然療法醫生: ------ ---- Company producing those deadly weapons is called Applied Energetics: 生產這些致命武器的公司叫做應用能量(譯註:簡稱應能公司): https://mstmha.wordpress.com/2015/12/18/applied-energetics-inc-formerly-ionatron-inc/ It was formerly called Ionatron: 應能公司以前叫做艾歐納特恩公司: The Light Forces have requested as many people as possible to spread information and awareness of the directed energy weapons and do the following meditation as often as you feel guided: 光明勢力呼籲大家要盡量宣傳關於定向能量武器的真相 並且經常參與以下的冥想: 1.Relax your body, emotions and mind by focusing on your breath or in any other way that works for you 1.用自己習慣的方式放鬆身心靈。 -- 2.Visualize a vortex of brilliant white Light descending from the Soul star chakra of all humanity into energy field and personality of all human beings, awakening them to the reality of existence of directed energy weapons and visualize this awareness spreading like wildfire through the mass media. 2.觀想全人類的靈魂之星脈輪降下一個明亮的白光漩渦。 觀想白光漩渦進入全人類的氣場和性格, 讓全人類都知道定向能量武器存在的事實。 觀想大眾媒體密集報導定向能量武器的新聞,讓全人類快速覺醒。 --- 3.Visualize all Cabal middlemen refusing to use directed energy weapons anymore and learning to cooperate and joining the human society in a constructive way. Visualize all Cabal members that do not wish to surrender their use of directed energy weapons being removed from the planet as fast and effectively as possible. Visualize all directed energy weapons being destroyed, never to be used again. 3.觀想陰謀集團的中階幹部徹底拒絕繼續使用定向能量武器。 觀想他們用建設性的方式配合並且融入人類社會。 觀想光明勢力用最快最有效的方式 肅清地球上所有不願放棄定向能量武器的陰謀集團成員。 觀想所有的定向能量武器都被銷毀並且完全絕跡。 Victory of the Light ! 光的勝利! ---------------- Were the Hawaiian fires an attack from the Dark forces? Yes. 問:請問夏威夷的森林大火是黑暗勢力發起的攻擊嗎? 答:是的。 2023年9月4日訊息【讀者問答專欄】 https://www.golden-ages.org/2023/09/04/answers/ ------------------ 2023年10月23日訊息【簡短近況更新】 Monday, October 23, 2023 Short Situation Update https://www.golden-ages.org/2023/10/23/short-situation-update-12/ Their focus on removal of scalar and directed energy weapons is already bringing results, and many Lightworkers are reporting much less attacks than in the past. 光明勢力針對純量波武器和定向能量武器的清剿行動已經開始出現成效。 許多光工們表示自己受到的攻擊比以前少很多了。 Another focus of the Light Forces is the removal of secret biolabs, from which the Cabal under the command of the Orsini family could release dangerous viruses if the Light Forces would take too much action: 光明勢力的另一項重點工作是清剿秘密生物實驗室。 如果光明勢力進行太過直接的介入行動, 奧爾西尼家族底下的陰謀集團 就會透過這些生物實驗室釋放各種危險的病毒: ---------- 世界各地越來越多的高安全性病原體實驗室 引發擔憂科學_美國科學促進會 新分析顯示 100 多個實驗室正在研究致命的人類和動物病毒 Growing number of high-security pathogen labs around world raises concerns New analysis tallies more than 100 labs studying deadly human and animal viruses ---------- 全球生物實驗室 Global Biolabs https://www.globalbiolabs.org/map ------------- 美國各地「隱形」生物實驗室的危險 The Danger of ‘Invisible’ Biolabs Across the U.S. https://time.com/6309643/invisible-biolabs/ --------------- The mystery of 336 US bio-labs worldwide 美國全球336個生物實驗室之謎 https://global.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202203/10/WS622942dfa310cdd39bc8b92f.html 譯註:全世界有51間登記在案的P4實驗室 和57間登記在案的P3+實驗室。 美國政府在全世界一共擁有336間生物實驗室。 These biolabs need to be made harmless to a great degree before the Event can be triggered: 光明勢力必須先消除絕大多數的生物實驗室可能造成的危害, 他們才能啟動事件 --------------------- 守護諭令 ---------- 大家如果感覺受到負面干擾, 或者進行冥想以及重大光之工作時 可以進行以下的守護諭令加強保護作用: 奉神聖本源之名 奉我是臨在的永恆聖光之名 奉所有光明勢力之名 我在此宣告並且下令 所有來自無論是敵或友、黑暗勢力、負面想法 和負面人工智慧發出的干擾能量立即停止並且消失。 我在此呼請白色合一火焰轉化 所有的干擾能量,轉化為聖潔的光。 從現在開始直到永遠,我將遵循源頭的神聖意志, 我將必然受到全面的保護。 所有已造成的破壞與傷害將立即修復,回歸聖光。 從現在開始直到永遠,我將受到鑽石光戰士們、 大天使麥可、大天使麥達昶、所有天使軍團 以及神聖大愛的守護與指引。 以上宣告如所祈願,就在現在,必定顯化! ------------------ 2018年2月24日訊息 【定向能量武器】 https://www.golden-ages.org/2018/02/25/directed-energy-weapons/ ----- 定向能:雷射武器系統的時代已經到來 Directed Energy: The Time for Laser Weapon Systems has Come https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMx1-yaRLyQ - ----------------- 定向能武器:高功率微波 Directed Energy Weapons: High Power Microwaves -- 2060 年定向能源未來 - 空軍研究實驗室 2060 directed energy futures - Air Force Research Laboratory chrome-extension://kdpelmjpfafjppnhbloffcjpeomlnpah/https://www.afrl.af.mil/Portals/90/Documents/RD/Directed_Energy_Futures_2060_Final29June21_with_clearance_number.pdf -- 微波不只加熱便當! 美海軍後年上艦實測「微波武器」 https://def.ltn.com.tw/article/breakingnews/4625638 ---------- FOREST FIRE AS A MILITARY WEAPON 森林火災作為軍事武器- 夏威夷儼然成了人間煉獄! https://www.gvm.com.tw/article/105341 揭露大火過後的景象有多麼殘酷 造成超過100人死亡、 一千多人失蹤、一萬多人失去家園 夏威夷茂宜島爆發嚴重山火災情 火燒夏威夷|度假天堂為何成為野火煉獄 https://ourisland.pts.org.tw/content/10296 --------------- First, the vast majority of suffering has its root cause in the so-called primary implant. Primary implant is the implant that we have all received upon our entrance in the quarantine Earth area many thousands years ago. This implant is positioned in the frontal lobe of the brain on the plasma and etheric plane, is filled with charged rotating anomalous plasma and has the primary message that we are separated from the Source / Love / Light. This primary disconnection from the Source then attracts situations that reflect that disconnection and create more suffering. Since our free will then aligns with the implant, the Light forces can not intervene in our life, the prayers do not get answered, the protection is lost, the trust is gone. 首先,絕大多數的苦難都是主要植入物造成的。 我們在數千年前進入隔離地球區之後都會被安裝主要植入物。 主要植入物位於人體電漿和乙太大腦的大腦額葉。 它的周圍充滿了不停旋轉的帶電異常電漿, 而且它發送出來的主要訊息 就是我們和神聖本源/宇宙大愛/聖光是分離的。 這種與神聖本源之間的分離 會吸引反映分離的情境並且造成更多的苦難。 由於我們的自由意志同意接受植入物, 光明勢力不能介入我們的生活。 他們不能回應我們的祈禱;不能保護我們, 從而我們失去對他們的信賴。 Friday, July 21, 2017 Return to Light 2017年7月21日訊息 【回歸聖光】 https://www.golden-ages.org/2017/07/21/return-to-light/ -------- 我們可以透過埋放如意寶珠 來改變一個國家的氣候跟政治局勢 感謝台灣團隊, 他們在全台灣鋪設了一個寶珠光網格。 基本上台灣團隊能把能鋪的地方都鋪滿了。 Jedi:從2016開始我們就接到COBRA指示 開始埋放這個如意寶珠, 每年埋放大概2000顆如意寶珠, 在台灣、大陸、大馬和世界各地, 到現在埋了大概1萬顆。 也包括無色綠柱石、摩根石及西藏水晶(自由意志)。 最近四年台灣已經沒有颱風進入台灣。 為了維持台灣跟大陸的和平, 我們也在中間海峽投放了兩條連線的寶珠, 讓台灣跟大陸有一個很好的連結跟平衡, 連結到福建還有另外的海岸區域, 如意寶珠真的很好用非常有效。 感謝COBRA告訴我們這個方式,謝謝大家。 2023年4月8日台北揚升會議 ----------- 2024年11月3日訊息【簡短近況更】 Short Situation Update https://www.golden-ages.org/2024/11/03/short-situation-update-and-workshop-in-taiwan/ The Light forces have communicated that they have received the final timeframe within which the Event will happen, and there will be no further delays from that. They will NOT communicate that timeframe for security reasons. 光明勢力表示他們已經收到事件發生的最終時間表。 事件會在這個範圍之內發生,而且不會再繼續拖延。 基於安全考量,他們不會公開時間表的相關日期。 ---------- 2015年1月24日光之突破會議會議紀錄 https://www.golden-ages.org/2015/01/24/2015-01-24/ - 世界上沒有任何法則或證據可以阻止事件發生。 事件也不違背任何邏輯跟自然法則。 事件一直在等著我們顯化。現在事件已經是無法避免的, 沒有任何事情可以阻止事件發生。 就算陰謀集團發瘋也無法阻止事件, 他們只能盡可能的拖延。 他們知道未來總有一天,他們再也沒辦法拖延。 現在每個人都要開始積極的為事件做準備。 事件的前幾天,陰謀集團會徹底發瘋。 他們知道遊戲結束了。 我們會知道有些事情一直在醞釀著。 到時候我們會非常需要大家知道。 未來我的部落格可能會突然發佈緊急通知, 請大家要做好應變準備。 緊急訊息會發送到各種平台, 告知大眾地表發生很緊急的事情。 緊急通知甚至可能出現在主流媒體, 未來會有許多事情需要大家準備好隨機應變。 事件發生一陣子之後, 大家可能會收到抵抗運動的通知。 他們會給你們特別的指示或任務。 光明勢力根據我們反應然後安排適合我們的工作。 在場各位都有可能接收到抵抗運動或光明勢力的通知。 如果屆時你們收到這一類的通知, 請馬上放下手邊的事情,立刻按照指示行動。 ------------ Send it to all your friends and family Humanitys final destiny https://blog.udn.com/httpnet/180836265?f_UA=pc After November 19th, Pluto will stay in Aquarius for 20 years. Once Pluto fully enters Aquarius, it will bring liberation energy to Earth. We are going to witness more new technologies and the First Contact, which allows the Earth to join the galactic community. 2024 July Cobra Ascension Workshop in Asia-Rise of the Dragons Workshop note by IGAG After the Event, and especially after the first contact, the positive extraterrestrial races will use their technology not only to remove excessive radiation from Fukushima, but to actually restore ecological balance throughout the planet. One of the top priorities will be to remove radiation and various poisonous substances from many nuclear power plants in other locations around the planet, not only Fukushima but also Chernobyl and other locations. They will then continue with restoring the ecosystem of the planet and it will be quite a fast operation in human standards. After the First Contact, in a few months, the situation on the planet will be much, much better. They have advanced technology. Of course, they have complete control over matter so they can actually disintegrate all harmful substances in a matter of seconds. It is not a problem for them. It is just a matter of humanity having the right consciousness and understanding to accept and receive that technology. That is why the Event needs to happen first, the removal the Cabal needs to happen first, so the Light Forces can then use the mass media to educate the human population, so when these things do happen the human population will have an understanding and also an active participation in that purification process. Conversations With Cobra, Chapter One Note: This is a very important reminder! Pluto enters Aquarius on November 20, 2024 The forces of light are scheduled to arrive within 20 years of Pluto entering Aquarius. Run through the entire process of events, first contact, collective ascension and evacuation. https://www.golden-ages.org/2024/02/03/phoenix-ascension-conference/ ---------- 2015年1月24日光之突破會議會議紀錄 https://www.golden-ages.org/2015/01/24/2015-01-24/ 與會者:我們使用的3C電子產品會阻礙我們 與阿斯塔及阿加森文明的聯繫嗎? COBRA:會有些許影響,但不嚴重。 我建議大家別看電視, 因為電視節目是很強的控制系統。 除了潛意識方面的控制,智慧型手機、 電視也有可以監視人的攝影鏡頭。 ---------------- 2013年11月14日訪談文字記錄 https://www.golden-ages.org/2013/11/14/a-new-cobra-interview-in-italian-english/ The darkness will not be existing any more in this universe and those beings who are not willing or who have mutated too much to accept the light will need to start the evolution again from the start and they will be taken to the galactic central sun they will be restructured and they will start over evolution again. 這個宇宙將不存在任何黑暗。 任何負隅頑抗或是已經突變到 無法接受光的黑暗存有必須從頭開始演化; 也就是它們會被帶進銀河中央太陽進行重組, 重新開始他們的進化。 Other people have spoken about a sixteen hour long video that will be aired on television networks at the moment of the event that will explain various conspiracy theories, and how the(malevolent) forces have been subjecting us to their will over the years. we were wondering, does this video really exist first of all? 有傳聞說事件發生後 全世界的電視台都會撥放長達16小時的影片 向大眾說明各種陰謀論的真相, 以及惡勢力多年來操弄我們的方式。 請問真的有這支影片存在嗎? yes, not just that one but there is other material that exists about this. 有的,不光是這個影片而已,還有其他有關的新聞題材。 -------------- 2013年11月16日 柯博拉與伊莉莎白新訪談 November 16, 2013 Interview Transcription: Elizabeth Whitney and Cobra https://www.golden-ages.org/2013/11/16/interview-transcription-elizabeth-whitney-and-cobra/ COBRA: This Fukushima situation is a creation of the Jesuits. [Cobra means a small faction of the Cabal within the Jesuits representing about 10% of the Jesuit community.] The reason they triggered this false flag event was they wanted to exert pressure on Japan to get more funds for their operations. It is interesting to know that this event happened on March 11, 2011, which was one day before Uranus entered a new 84 -year cycle. So the moment of this was chosen according to astrological constellations. The second purpose of this event was to put more fear into the general human population because the vibrational frequency of fear is the frequency that allows the controllers to maintain control over the human population. I would say that most stories about radiation are exaggeration. I have seen reports of actual measurements of radiation exposure in California and they are not above normal. Everything is as it was before the Fukushima event. So this is a short overview of the situation. COBRA: 現在福島的情況是耶穌會的產物 (柯博拉意旨陰謀集團中的一小分支在耶穌會內, 他們佔了耶穌會社群的10%的比例)。 他們引發這次虛假事件是想向日方施壓, 為他們的行動敲詐更多的資金。 有趣的是,這次事件發生於2011年3月11日, 也就是天王星進入新的84年週期的前一天。 所以選擇這個時機是根據占星星象決定的。 這個事件的第二個目的是把更多恐懼釋放到人類大眾之中。 因為恐懼的振動頻率能讓控制者們維持人類大眾的控制。 我會說有關輻射的大部分故事都有誇大成份。 我看過了真實的加利福尼亞輻射測量報告, 沒有超出正常值,一切跟福島事件之前一樣。 這就是對局勢的簡單概述。 ------ C: After the Event, and especially after the first contact, the positive extraterrestrial races will use their technology not only to remove excessive radiation from Fukushima, but to actually restore ecological balance throughout the planet. One of the top priorities will be to remove radiation and various poisonous substances from many nuclear power plants in other locations around the planet, not only Fukushima but also Chernobyl and other locations. They will then continue with restoring the ecosystem of the planet and it will be quite a fast operation in human standards. After the First Contact, in a few months, the situation on the planet will be much, much better. They have advanced technology. Of course, they have complete control over matter so they can actually disintegrate all harmful substances in a matter of seconds. It is not a problem for them. It is just a matter of humanity having the right consciousness and understanding to accept and receive that technology. That is why the Event needs to happen first, the removal the Cabal needs to happen first, so the Light Forces can then use the mass media to educate the human population, so when these things do happen the human population will have an understanding and also an active participation in that purification process. C: “事件”之後尤其是第一次接觸之後, 正面的外星種族將用他們的科技。 不止移除福島的過量輻射, 也會恢復整個星球的生態平衡。 其中最為優先的是清理 來自星球上其他核電站的輻射和污染物。 不只是福島還有車諾比爾和其他地方, 然後他們會重建星球的生態系統。 以人類的標準這是一個很快的行動。 第一次接觸幾個月之後星球上的狀況會更加、更加好。 他們有先進科技。當然他們完全掌握了控制物質的技術, 所以他們實際上可以在幾秒內分解所有有害物質, 這對他們來說不是問題。 問題在於人類要有正確的意識和理解, 來接受和獲得那種技術。 這就是為何”事件”需要首先發生, 需要首先把陰謀集團移除, 以便光的勢力可以用大眾傳媒教育公眾。 當這些確實發生後,人類將會有一個理解, 也會積極參加這個淨化過程。 --------------- C: The most dangerous faction of the Cabal is located in the United States. The tension between the light forces, which are present inside the government structure everywhere, and the dark forces, which are also present in the United States government structure everywhere–there is a very strong internal tension right now which can be felt. But nothing is coming to the surface because those scenes are happening behind the scenes. Elsewhere in the world you can see many changes. But the United States will be the last country on the planet where those changes will happen, and when they happen in the United States it will be the moment of the breakthrough. Because it is the turning point. The United States is the key trigger point for the Event to happen. When you see changes in the political system of the United States, then you know it is time. C: 陰謀集團最危險的派系位於美國。 光的勢力的張力顯現在政府架構內部各個方面。 黑暗勢力也出現在美國政府架構的各個地方。 可以感受到現在內部非常緊張。 但表面上什麼都沒發生,因為那些都發生在幕後。 在世界其他地方你看到很多轉變。 但美國將會是最後一個發生改變的國家, 但發生在美國的時候,也就是突破的時刻。 因為這是轉捩點。美國是”事件”發生的關鍵觸發點。 但你看到美國政體發生改變,你就知道時候到了。 ----------------- E: Do you want describe some of the activations and clearing of these portals that you’ve been working with and how we can also participate in that? That whole scenario of the blocked portals that kept good energies from flowing forth, like the Goddess energy, and how we clear them? I think that’s of interest to a lot of people. E: 你想不想說一下門戶的啟動和清理的問題。 我們如何參與?關於門戶阻塞, 妨礙了女神能量等一些正面能量進來, 我們如何清理?我想很多人有興趣聽聽。 C: It’s a process. Each portal that we activate brings us closer to the final goal of completely clearing the etheric plane. The Archons had invaded the etheric plane 25,000 years ago and were closing off one vortex after the other. This process was completed about 1,600 years ago when the Roman Catholic cults completely suppressed the Goddess energy on the planet. On each of those vortex points when we had temples of the goddess before there was a catholic church. This was the completion of the dark creed. Then you know what happened; we had the dark ages, the Middle Ages. Then about 500 years ago the first Renaissance brought the beginning of the process of planetary purification. We have now reached a point in the last few years when we are in the final stages of that purification. Each of the portals we activate brings us closer to the final goal of complete liberation of the etheric plane. As soon as the etheric plane is liberated, extremely fast the physical plane is going to follow. And then we are free. C: 這是一個過程。我們啟動的每個門戶 都讓我們更進一步地完成整個乙太層的清理。 執政官在25000年前入侵乙太層,把漩渦一個個地關閉了。 這個過程在大約1600年前完成, 當時羅馬天主教完全在這個星球上壓住了女神能量。 在每一個漩渦點都有天主教堂,以前那裡是女神神廟。 這是黑暗教義的實現。然後你知道發生了什麼, 我們經歷了黑暗時期,中世紀。 然後500年前第一次文藝復興是行星淨化工程的開始。 我們在幾年前終於達到了淨化的最後一步。 我們啟動的每個門戶讓我更接近乙太層的完全解放。 乙太層一解放,速度極快的物質層面就會跟進。 到時我們就會自由。 ----------- C: A dimension portal is a double vortex of energy that actually transmits energy between different dimensions. Then the energy can be used. It is a neutral energy. You can use if for good purposes or somebody could use it for not-so-good purposes. When the portal is activated property, it can become a very strong, supportive vortex for the light. It can actually change the energetic signature of that area. It can improve the living conditions of the people, their well-being. This is the reason why we are going from place to place activating those portals. If we have a mass meditation on a certain specific date, that can trigger the opening of that portal, it can have a planetary global effect of improving the planetary situation. C: 一個維度門戶是一個能量的雙重漩渦, 在不同維度之間傳輸能量。 然後能量才能被使用。這是中性能量。 你可以用在好的方面,有人會用在不好的方面。 當門戶適當地活化時, 它就變成非常強大的光的支持漩渦。 它能改變該區域的能量標記。 它能提升人們的生活環境和福祉。 這就是我們一個又一個地方去那裡啟動這些門戶的原因。 如果我們在某個特定日子有很多人冥想, 就是觸發門戶的開啟, 會有一個行星級的效果,改善星球的狀況。 ---------------- 2015年4月16日Rob Potter訪談 https://www.golden-ages.org/2015/04/16/2015-4-16-rob-potter/ Cobra Interview April 16th, 2015 with Rob Potter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfh5_5lAj8s Rob – 那些巨大的灰岩坑一直出現。它們是不是有人挖的, 如果是,那些坑有什麼目的,它們不斷到處出現。 COBRA – 是的。它們是抵抗運動造的, 出於同樣目的昴宿星人也創造過麥田圈, 為了打破執政官的這個單調無變化的矩陣。 - -------- 2016年2月18日Rob Potter訪談 https://www.golden-ages.org/2016/02/18/0218/ COBRA – 關於選舉,在某程度上誰是總統並不重要, 因為從艾森豪威爾時代起,總統只是陰謀集團的傀儡。 所以是民主黨人還是共和黨人或者誰當選不重要, 重要的是誰在幕後操縱著這個游戲,那個人需要移除, 這將影響到當任總統的行動,無論那是誰。 ----------- 2016年2月18日Rob Potter訪談 https://www.golden-ages.org/2016/02/18/0218/ - Rob – 談談比爾蓋茲, 他成為陰謀集團是因為他有訊息? 他一開始就是陰謀集團的人? 比爾蓋茲有什麼故事? COBRA – 他只是一個發了財的計算機程序員, 當他變得有錢後光明會接觸他。 他被權力誘惑並沉醉於此,他的靈魂被扭曲。 不幸的,他做了一些生命中錯誤的選擇, 他將不得不為其後果付出代價。 --------------- 2016年2月18日Rob Potter訪談 https://www.golden-ages.org/2016/02/18/0218/ - COBRA – 大麻的確干涉了物質大腦和乙太大腦之間的連接, 它溶解了物質大腦和乙太大腦之間的薄膜, 有時這是好事,有時不是。 因為當人們把這層薄膜溶解後, 他們與低級星光層和其它乙太層的負面蜥蜴人就會更容易接觸。 COBRA – 有時這是危險的。 所以如果你適當使用大麻,它可以有非常好的效果, 否則它會增強你與乙太和低級星光層的低維度實體的連接。 ---- Rob – 是的。似乎他們在國境邊界進行一些軍演。 我看到他們炸了一間負責著4萬人的醫院, 我想是在敘利亞。能否說一下那件事。 COBRA – 我會說是負面的聯盟勢力轟炸那間醫院。 他們栽贓說是俄羅斯做的,但俄羅斯沒有做過。 俄軍嚴禁攻擊平民,他們100%投身於清除所謂”恐怖份子”上, 這些恐怖份子實際上是耶穌會支持的雇佣兵, 因為全部都是耶穌會的產物。 美國的負面軍隊,沙特,土耳其人, 所有都是耶穌會手上的木偶, 他們想盡可能的在敘利亞地區製造苦難, 因為那是非常重要的能量漩渦。 ------------------- 解放地球計劃 LIBERATION OF PLANET EARTH PLAN 青春永駐壽命超過千年的昴宿星人 Pleiadians who stay young forever and live for more than a thousand years Attention ! Earthlings only have 15 minutes ! Revelation - The Last Judgment Taiwan is the world’s largest underground base The Ashtar Command has prevented many nuclear wars from breaking out The Light Forces warning to the Cabal The killings seriously affected the condition of the planetary energy body Robert Monroe Journeys out of the bady Taiwans treasure island has huge and amazing energy The incredible power of sound vibration frequencies Aliens try to stop stupid humans from destroying themselves My soul may have been experience Atlantis Free energy is a research that can make people lose their lives The American cabal created the 911 attacks and Japan 311 tsunami “Nanobots” were found in the bodies of 96 million Japanese citizens who received vaccines! Doctor who vowed to reveal the truth dies in plane crash Gold handed over to the United States for safekeeping by the Republic of China was stolen 50% of the information about Jesus’ life is fake?! |
( 時事評論|公共議題 ) |