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China To Build “Silk Road” For Project Finance? 一帶一路的財源?
2017/03/07 13:15:25瀏覽750|回應2|推薦6






 「“One Belt, One Road”」的圖片搜尋結果



 「project financial」的圖片搜尋結果

China To Build “Silk Road” For Project Finance.? 

China's "One Belt, One Road" intiative challenges existing project-financing banks for new Asian development.

China’s “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) initiative is the most ambitious overarching infrastructure project to be proposed in the modern era. OBOR, which was unveiled in 2013 and is the brainchild of China’s president Xi Jinping, aims to connect China with more than 60 countries—stretching from Western and Central Europe to East Africa and including South East Asia, the Middle East and Russia—via infrastructure development as well as trade and cultural exchange.


Also referred to as the New Silk Road project—a reference to the route by which ancient China traded with the West—the proposal has drawn comparisons with the Marshall Plan, which was instrumental in rebuilding Europe after World War II. But it is more ambitious: various estimates put OBOR’s scale, adjusted for inflation, at ten to 30 times the Marshall Plan; upon successful completion it will touch the lives of more than half the global population. No concrete timeline for completion has been stated.


中國的“一帶一路”(OBOR)倡議是當今最具雄心的基礎設施建設項目。 OBOR於2013年揭幕,是中國總統習近平的創意,旨在將中國與西歐和中歐,東非,東南亞,中東和俄羅斯等國的60多個國家連接起來發展以及貿易和文化交流。

也被稱為新絲綢之路項目 - 參考中國古代中國與西方交易的路線 - 提案已經與馬歇爾計劃進行了比較,這是在第二次世界大戰後重建歐洲的工具。但它更有野心:各種估計將OBOR的規模,根據通貨膨脹調整為馬歇爾計劃的十到三十倍;成功完成後將觸及全球一半以上的人口的生命。沒有說明具體的完成時間表。但是西方的經濟學者大膽預測,2015-2045.也就是說歷經30年的第一階段的OBOR沿線國家的基礎建設告壹段落完成後的總產值,將接近歐,美,日本的35%的GDP,換句話說OBOR的國家國民所得將成長35%左右,這是驚人的呈現出,中國的OBOR策略成功,接下來2046--2076.第2階段的開發建設將,使得OBOR沿線國家再度成長為70%.,

到時2077-2107.的時期OBOR的沿線國家平均GNP已達20000 美元,屆時歐,美,日,已是窮途末路的窮鄉僻壤?




 「“One Belt, One Road”」的圖片搜尋結果


 Infrastructure: Can It Rebuild The Global Economy?



中國瘋狂: 此外,為了推動一帶一路,中國在2014年成立了絲綢之路基金,由國家外匯管理局,中國投資公司,中國進出口銀行和國家開發銀行贊助,資金總額為400億美元專門用於資助與一級方案有關的項目。一帶一路是共享繁榮的另一個因素。有必要進一步推動中國和作為”一帶一路“項目一部分的許多國家的公私伙伴關係框架。必須對項目進行公開招標,由於日本不是亞投行AIIB的會員國,所以沒有資格參與亞投行的各項公開招標的商業機會,但是日本3大重工業集團MHI.IHI.KHI.也正卯足全力,透過亞開行ADB的實力,進行與AIIB會員國私下接觸,並期望中標工程的國家提供機會,採購日本製造的基礎建設的機具設備,根據日本商社蒐集的商業資料顯示出,日本3大重工業集團仍有可望贏得20%的轉定單合約,但是首要條件是日商提供低利融資,由來已久日本重工業低迷不振,看樣子日本政府也只好睜隻眼閉隻眼由日本商社發展業務,因為無魚蝦也好不是嗎?


「“One Belt, One Road”」的圖片搜尋結果「基礎建設」的圖片搜尋結果

目前,絲綢之路項目由中國領先的政策銀行雙邊貸款支配。當然,在邊際上,中國和地區商業銀行總是有機會參與聯合,甚至是項目債券,“Chander說。 “但是項目融資團隊和其他投資者在投入大量資金之前將非常仔細地評估風險回報曲線。

CHINA FLEXES ITS MUSCLES:China aims to counter the dominance of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund in international development banking through the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the New Development Bank, headquartered in Beijing and Shanghai, respectively. Both became fully operational last year with China as a major shareholder: 26.06% of the votes in the AIIB—where China effectively calls the shots on investment strategy within its borders—and 20% in the NDB. In addition, in seeking to boost OBOR, China in 2014 established the Silk Road Fund under the auspices of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, China Investment Corporation, Export-Import Bank of China and China Development Bank, with total capital of US$40 billion earmarked for financing OBOR-related projects.

Adding the ‘Silk Road’ label to a debt-financing exercise can give it more focus and attention from investors due to the publicity already garnered by the Silk Road initiative,” says Clifford Lee, head of debt capital markets at DBS Bank in Singapore. At the same time, he adds, “the impact that this will have on the Asian project-finance market will depend more on the actual feasible project-finance opportunities that can surface from this initiative.”


「基礎建設」的圖片搜尋結果「project financial」的圖片搜尋結果

( 時事評論財經 )
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